Excel vba无法获取VLookup属性

Excel vba无法获取VLookup属性,excel,vlookup,vba,Excel,Vlookup,Vba,我是vba编程新手。谁能帮我解决这个问题 Sub GetPrice() Dim PartNum As Variant Dim Price As Variant PartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number") Sheets("Sheet2").Activate Price = WorksheetFunction._ VLookup(PartNum, Range("A2:C20"), 2, False)


Sub GetPrice()
    Dim PartNum As Variant
    Dim Price As Variant
    PartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
    Price = WorksheetFunction._
    VLookup(PartNum, Range("A2:C20"), 2, False)
    MsgBox PartNum & "costs" & Price
End Sub



Sub GetPrice()
    Dim PartNum As Variant
    Dim Price As Variant
    PartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
    On Error GoTo out
    Price = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(PartNum, Sheet2.Range("A2:C20"), 2, False)
    MsgBox PartNum & "costs" & Price
    Exit Sub

MsgBox "Part not found"
End Sub



Sub searchPartNumber()
Dim ret() As Integer
'initialize the cell space to search in.
Dim fromCell(1) As Integer
Dim toCell(1) As Integer
'index 0: row
'index 1: column

'(A,2):(C,20) looks like this:
fromCell(0) = 1
fromCell(1) = 2
toCell(0) = 3
toCell(1) = 20

PartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
ret = searchTable(PartNum, fromCell, toCell)
If ret(0) = 1 Then
    MsgBox ("The value searched is in Cell " & ret(1) & ", " & ret(2) & " and the value searched for is " & Cells(ret(1), 2))
    MsgBox "This part number could not be found."
End If
End Sub

Function searchTable(ByVal searchValue As String, ByRef fromCell() As Integer, ByRef toCell() As Integer) As Integer()
Dim ret(2) As Integer
'index 0: 1 = found, 0 = not found
'index 1/2: row and column of found element
ret(0) = 0
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = fromCell(0) To toCell(0)
    For j = fromCell(1) To toCell(1)
        If (CStr(Cells(i, j)) = searchValue) Then
            'Item found
            ret(0) = 1
            ret(1) = i
            ret(2) = j
            searchTable = ret
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function



试着把VLookup放在同一行上。可能重复的肯定重复的。您需要在此代码中进行错误处理,以说明搜索值不存在的可能性。Doug的答案尤其有用:yes PartNum=InputBoxEnter零件号将PartNum视为字符串,因为InputBox返回一个字符串,该字符串表示InputBox表单中TextBox的文本属性。VLOOKUP非常特别,不使用文本查找数字字段,反之亦然。您必须要么不像以前那样定义为variant,要么像CIntInputBox一样强制转换。。。。这对你解释为什么变体失败有意义吗?当然!谢谢你,马克!
Sub searchPartNumber()
Dim ret() As Integer
'initialize the cell space to search in.
Dim fromCell(1) As Integer
Dim toCell(1) As Integer
'index 0: row
'index 1: column

'(A,2):(C,20) looks like this:
fromCell(0) = 1
fromCell(1) = 2
toCell(0) = 3
toCell(1) = 20

PartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
ret = searchTable(PartNum, fromCell, toCell)
If ret(0) = 1 Then
    MsgBox ("The value searched is in Cell " & ret(1) & ", " & ret(2) & " and the value searched for is " & Cells(ret(1), 2))
    MsgBox "This part number could not be found."
End If
End Sub

Function searchTable(ByVal searchValue As String, ByRef fromCell() As Integer, ByRef toCell() As Integer) As Integer()
Dim ret(2) As Integer
'index 0: 1 = found, 0 = not found
'index 1/2: row and column of found element
ret(0) = 0
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = fromCell(0) To toCell(0)
    For j = fromCell(1) To toCell(1)
        If (CStr(Cells(i, j)) = searchValue) Then
            'Item found
            ret(0) = 1
            ret(1) = i
            ret(2) = j
            searchTable = ret
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function