Excel VBA If ElseIf语句不返回正确的结果

Excel VBA If ElseIf语句不返回正确的结果,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,我的If-ElseIf语句有问题,因为单元格值没有返回正确的结果 以下是我的模块中的代码: 第一批: Sub compare2() Dim i As Long Dim A As Long Dim B As Long Dim c As Long A = 14 B = 15 c = 16 Do While A <= 42 i = 2 Do Until Len(Cells(i, A)) = 0 If Cells(i, A) = "Green" And Cells(i, B) = "Roll




Sub compare2()
Dim i As Long
Dim A As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim c As Long

A = 14
B = 15
c = 16

Do While A <= 42
i = 2
Do Until Len(Cells(i, A)) = 0

If Cells(i, A) = "Green" And Cells(i, B) = "Rollup" Then
Cells(i, c) = "Green"

ElseIf Cells(i, A) = "Rollup" And Cells(i, B) = "Rollup" Then
Cells(i, c) = "Rollup"

ElseIf Cells(i, A) = "Rollup" And Cells(i, B) = "Green" Then
Cells(i, c) = "Green"

ElseIf Cells(i, A) = "Rollup" And Cells(i, B) = "Yellow" Then
Cells(i, c) = "Yellow"

ElseIf Cells(i, A) = "Rollup" And Cells(i, B) = "Red" Then
Cells(i, c) = "Red"

ElseIf Cells(i, A) = "Rollup" And Cells(i, B) = "Overdue" Then
Cells(i, c) = "Overdue"

ElseIf Cells(i, A) = " " And Cells(i, B) = " " Then
Cells(i, c) = " "


End If

i = i + 1


A = A + 4

B = A + 1

c = A + 2


End Sub

例如,当我在单元格N2列Sales中输入Rollup,然后在单元格O2列Production中输入Green时,单元格P2列Day应根据ElseIf Sales_cell=Rollup和Production_cell=Green返回绿色,然后在Day_cell=Green返回绿色。然而,当我在填充电池O2生产后按Enter键时,电池N2销售自动变为绿色。然后在那之后,我将单元格N2改回Rollup,宏开始工作






Option Explicit

Private Const Green As String = "Green"
Private Const Rollup As String = "Rollup"
Private Const Yellow As String = "Yellow"

Sub Something()

    Dim A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, i As Long

    Select Case True
        Case Cells(i, A) = Green  And Cells(i, B) = Rollup: Cells(i, C) = Green
        Case Cells(i, A) = Rollup And Cells(i, B) = Rollup: Cells(i, C) = Rollup
        Case Cells(i, A) = Rollup And Cells(i, B) = Green:  Cells(i, C) = Green

        'Add more cases here...

    End Select

End Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Call Module1.single_change(Target)

End Sub
Option Explicit

Private Const Green As String = "Green"
Private Const Rollup As String = "Rollup"
Private Const Yellow As String = "Yellow"

Sub Something()

    Dim A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, i As Long

    Select Case True
        Case Cells(i, A) = Green  And Cells(i, B) = Rollup: Cells(i, C) = Green
        Case Cells(i, A) = Rollup And Cells(i, B) = Rollup: Cells(i, C) = Rollup
        Case Cells(i, A) = Rollup And Cells(i, B) = Green:  Cells(i, C) = Green

        'Add more cases here...

    End Select

End Sub