Excel 查找方法vba运行时错误91

Excel 查找方法vba运行时错误91,excel,vba,find,runtime-error,Excel,Vba,Find,Runtime Error,下面代码中的find方法存在问题 c = Cells.find(wValue).Address 我总是得到运行时错误91:对象变量或未设置块变量。 当我在一个没有循环的试用代码中尝试它时,它工作得非常好,但我真的不知道,为了使它工作,我到底需要修改什么 你对此有什么建议吗 Sub find() Dim cRange As Range, rngQty As Range, z As Range Dim Date1 As Integer Dim c As String With Applicat


c = Cells.find(wValue).Address
我总是得到运行时错误91:对象变量或未设置块变量。 当我在一个没有循环的试用代码中尝试它时,它工作得非常好,但我真的不知道,为了使它工作,我到底需要修改什么


Sub find()

Dim cRange As Range, rngQty As Range, z As Range
Dim Date1 As Integer
Dim c As String

With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
End With

Set wkbZ = Workbooks("Order History.xlsm")
Set wkbY = Workbooks("Forecast Form.xlsm")

For Each z In wkbZ.Sheets("2015").Range(Range("A2"), Range("A2").End(xlDown))

Set rngQty = z.Offset(, 3)
Date1 = Month(z.Offset(, 4))

wValue = z.Value


c = Cells.find(wValue).Address

Set cRange = Range(c)


If Date1 = 1 Then
    Set rngPaste1 = Selection.Offset(, 3)
End If
If Date1 = 2 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 4)
End If
If Date1 = 3 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 5)
End If
If Date1 = 4 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 6)
End If
If Date1 = 5 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 7)
End If
If Date1 = 6 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 8)
End If
If Date1 = 7 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 9)
End If
If Date1 = 8 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 10)
End If
If Date1 = 9 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 11)
End If
If Date1 = 10 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 12)
End If
If Date1 = 11 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRange.Offset(, 13)
End If
If Date1 = 12 Then
    Set rngPaste = cRangec.Offset(, 14)
End If

rngPaste.Value = (rngPaste.Value) + (rngQty.Value)



With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
End With

End Sub


Sub find()

    Dim cRange As Range, rngQty As Range, z As Range
    Dim Date1 As Integer
    Dim rngSrch As Range
    Dim wkbZ As Workbook
    Dim wkbY As Workbook

    Set wkbZ = Workbooks("Order History.xlsm")
    Set wkbY = Workbooks("Forecast Form.xlsm")

    'fully-qualify all Range calls with a worksheet object
    With wkbZ.Sheets("2015")
        Set rngSrch = .Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A2").End(xlDown))
    End With

    For Each z In rngSrch.Cells

        Set rngQty = z.Offset(0, 3)
        Date1 = Month(z.Offset(0, 4))

        'better to specify whether looking at full content or part..
        'also not clear which sheet you're searching?
        'notice no select/activate needed...
        Set cRange = wkbY.Sheets(1).Cells.find(what:=z.Value, lookat:=xlWhole)
        If Not cRange Is Nothing Then
            With cRange.Offset(0, Date1 + 2)
                .Value = .Value + rngQty.Value
            End With
        End If


End Sub

Set rngpast=cRangec.Offset(,Date1+2)