Excel 如果满足特定条件,如何跳过do循环迭代

Excel 如果满足特定条件,如何跳过do循环迭代,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,如果我的问题含糊不清,我道歉。我有一个代码,它根据参加聚会的人数计算公共汽车旅行的费用。守则首先必须决定当事人是20岁以下还是120岁以上。如果符合该标准,我想返回一个消息框,说明该方是要容纳小型还是大型,然后在我的电子表格中将价格和输入设置为0。退出do将不起作用,因为它将完全结束循环。另外,我不想退出sub,因为我需要检查多行数据并计算成本。如果我没有设置任何类型的退出,它会将这些值设置为0,但会继续计算过程并最终留下错误的值,因此我需要它跳到循环的末尾,然后再次运行循环 谢谢 Dim N



Dim N As String 'N = Name
Dim D As Date 'D = Date
Dim P As Integer 'P = Number of people
Dim H As Single 'H = Number of hours
Dim NS As Integer 'NS = Number of Small Buses
Dim NL As Integer 'NL = Number of Large Buses
Dim BP As Currency 'BP = Base Price
Dim OH As Single 'OH = Overtime Hours
Dim OC As Currency 'OC = Overtime Charge
Dim TP As Currency 'TP = Total Price
Dim PPBR As Currency 'PPBR = Per-person Base Rate
Dim EHP As Single 'EHP = Extra Hourly Percent
Dim myRow As Integer 'helping to paste output
Dim oRow As Integer '

Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(oRow, 1))

P = Cells(oRow, 3)
H = Cells(oRow, 4)
NS = 0
NL = 0

'Checking that there is enough people to continue
If P < 20 Then

MsgBox "The Minimum # of persons is 20", , "Sorry!"

    NS = 0
    NL = 0
    BP = 0
    OH = 0
    OC = 0
    TP = 0

    Cells(oRow, 7) = NS
    Cells(oRow, 8) = NL
    Cells(oRow, 9) = BP
    Cells(oRow, 10) = OH
    Cells(oRow, 11) = OC
    Cells(oRow, 12) = TP

    Exit Do
 ElseIf P > 120 Then
    'checking that there are not to many participants.

    MsgBox "Sorry the maximum amount of Persons is 120!", , "Sorry!"
    NS = 0
    NL = 0
    BP = 0
    OH = 0
    OC = 0
    TP = 0

    Cells(oRow, 7) = NS
    Cells(oRow, 8) = NL
    Cells(oRow, 9) = BP
    Cells(oRow, 10) = OH
    Cells(oRow, 11) = OC
    Cells(oRow, 12) = TP
    Exit Do

    'solving how many busses will be needed based on the amount of people
    ElseIf P >= 20 And P <= 25 Then
        NS = 1
        ElseIf P >= 26 And P <= 50 Then
            NS = 2
            ElseIf P >= 51 And P <= 60 Then
                NL = 1
                ElseIf P >= 61 And P <= 85 Then
                    NS = 1
                    NL = 1
                    ElseIf P >= 86 And P <= 120 Then
                        NL = 2

End If
'calculate base price
'Calculating with no overtime
If H < 5 Then

    TP = BP
    OC = 0
    OH = 0
    Cells(oRow, 7) = NS
    Cells(oRow, 8) = NL
    Cells(oRow, 9) = BP
    Cells(oRow, 10) = OH
    Cells(oRow, 11) = OC
    Cells(oRow, 12) = TP

'calculating overtime over 9 hours (which will only be 4 hours)
ElseIf H > 9 Then
    OH = 4
    OC = BP * OH * EHP
    TP = OC + BP
    Cells(oRow, 7) = NS
    Cells(oRow, 8) = NL
    Cells(oRow, 9) = BP
    Cells(oRow, 10) = OH
    Cells(oRow, 11) = OC
    Cells(oRow, 12) = TP
        'calculating overtime between 0 and 4 hours
        OH = H - 5
        OC = BP * OH * EHP
        TP = OC + BP
        Cells(oRow, 7) = NS
        Cells(oRow, 8) = NL
        Cells(oRow, 9) = BP
        Cells(oRow, 10) = OH
        Cells(oRow, 11) = OC
        Cells(oRow, 12) = TP

End If

oRow = oRow + 1
NS = 0
NL = 0
BP = 0
OH = 0
OC = 0
TP = 0


End Sub

