Excel “VBA递归”;“用于循环”;置换?

Excel “VBA递归”;“用于循环”;置换?,excel,vba,for-loop,recursion,permutation,Excel,Vba,For Loop,Recursion,Permutation,下面是我的代码。我希望通过递归方法获得相同的结果,因为嵌套循环的数量从2到最多8不等 Sub permutation() c1 = Array(1, 2) c2 = Array(3, 4) c3 = Array(5, 6) c4 = Array(7, 8) c5 = Array(9, 10) c6 = Array(11, 12) c7 = Array(13, 14) c8 = Array(15, 16) With Sheets("Criteria") .Cells.Clear


Sub permutation()

c1 = Array(1, 2)
c2 = Array(3, 4)
c3 = Array(5, 6)
c4 = Array(7, 8)
c5 = Array(9, 10)
c6 = Array(11, 12)
c7 = Array(13, 14)
c8 = Array(15, 16)

With Sheets("Criteria")
    n = 1
    For a = LBound(c1) To UBound(c1)
        For b = LBound(c2) To UBound(c2)
            For c = LBound(c3) To UBound(c3)
                For d = LBound(c4) To UBound(c4)
                    For e = LBound(c5) To UBound(c5)
                         For f = LBound(c6) To UBound(c6)
                             For g = LBound(c7) To UBound(c7)
                                 For h = LBound(c8) To UBound(c8)

                                Cells(n, 1).Value = c1(a)
                                Cells(n, 2).Value = c2(b)
                                Cells(n, 3).Value = c3(c)
                                Cells(n, 4).Value = c4(d)
                                Cells(n, 5).Value = c5(e)
                                Cells(n, 6).Value = c6(f)
                                Cells(n, 7).Value = c7(g)
                                Cells(n, 8).Value = c8(h)
                                n = n + 1

                                Next h
                            Next g
                        Next f
                    Next e
                Next d
            Next c
        Next b
    Next a
End With
End Sub



Sub RecurseMe(a, v, depth)
    If a > depth Then
        PrintV v
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For x = 1 To 4
        v(a) = x
        a = a + 1
        RecurseMe a, v, depth
        a = a - 1
    Next x
End Sub

Sub PrintV(v)
    For J = 1 To UBound(v): Debug.Print v(J) & " ";: Next J
End Sub
Sub test()
    Dim v()
    depth = 4 'adjust
    a = 1
    ReDim v(1 To depth)
    RecurseMe a, v, depth
End Sub


Sub RecurseMe(a, v, depth, rw)

    If a > depth Then
        rw = rw + 1
        PrintV v, rw
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For x = 1 To 2
        v(a) = x + ((a - 1) * 2)
        a = a + 1
        RecurseMe a, v, depth, rw
        a = a - 1
    Next x
End Sub

Sub PrintV(v, rw)
    For j = 1 To UBound(v)
        ActiveSheet.Cells(rw, j) = v(j) ' & " ";
    Next j
End Sub
Sub test()
    Dim v()
    Dim rw As Long
    rw = 0
    depth = 8 'adjust to adjust the number of columns
    a = 1
    ReDim v(1 To depth)
    RecurseMe a, v, depth, rw
End Sub


Sub RecurseMe(a, v, depth, rw)

    If a > depth Then
        rw = rw + 1
        PrintV v, rw
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For x = 1 To 2
        v(a) = x + ((a - 1) * 2)
        a = a + 1
        RecurseMe a, v, depth, rw
        a = a - 1
    Next x
End Sub

Sub PrintV(v, rw)
    For j = 1 To UBound(v)
        ActiveSheet.Cells(rw, j) = v(j) ' & " ";
    Next j
End Sub
Sub test()
    Dim v()
    Dim rw As Long
    rw = 0
    depth = 8 'adjust to adjust the number of columns
    a = 1
    ReDim v(1 To depth)
    RecurseMe a, v, depth, rw
End Sub


Public Sub Perms(lCyles As Long)

    Dim sBin As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim n As Long

    With Sheets("Criteria")
        n = 1
        For i = 0 To 2 ^ lCyles - 1
            sBin = WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(i)
            sBin = String(lCyles - Len(sBin), "0") & sBin
            For j = 1 To Len(sBin)
                .Cells(n, j) = IIf(Mid(sBin, j, 1) = "1", j * 2, j * 2 - 1)
            Next j
            n = n + 1
        Next i
    End With

End Sub


Public Sub Perms(lCyles As Long)

    Dim sBin As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim n As Long

    With Sheets("Criteria")
        n = 1
        For i = 0 To 2 ^ lCyles - 1
            sBin = WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(i)
            sBin = String(lCyles - Len(sBin), "0") & sBin
            For j = 1 To Len(sBin)
                .Cells(n, j) = IIf(Mid(sBin, j, 1) = "1", j * 2, j * 2 - 1)
            Next j
            n = n + 1
        Next i
    End With

End Sub


一些SQL引擎(如SQL Server)使用

在MS Access(MS Excel的同级数据库)中,使用定义为两个项的8个数组的表,下面是交叉连接查询。每个数组表中的项字段携带配对

SELECT Array1.Item, Array2.Item, Array3.Item, Array4.Item, 
       Array5.Item, Array6.Item, Array7.Item, Array8.Item
FROM Array1, Array2, Array3, Array4, 
     Array5, Array6, Array7, Array8;



由于VBA可以通过关联的驱动程序(包括Excel的ODBC Jet驱动程序)连接到各种SQL引擎,因此工作簿可以连接到工作表范围并运行相同的交叉连接查询:

Sub CrossJoinQuery()

    Dim conn As Object
    Dim rst As Object
    Dim sConn As String, strSQL As String

    Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    sConn = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};" _
               & "DBQ=C:\Path To\Excel\Workbook.xlsx;"
    conn.Open sConn

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [ArraySheet1$A1:A3], [ArraySheet2$A1:A3], 
                            [ArraySheet3$A1:A3], [ArraySheet4$A1:A3],
                            [ArraySheet5$A1:A3], [ArraySheet6$A1:A3], 
                            [ArraySheet7$A1:A3], [ArraySheet8$A1:A3]"
    rst.Open strSQL, conn

    Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rst


    Set rst = Nothing
    Set conn = Nothing

End Sub


一些SQL引擎(如SQL Server)使用

在MS Access(MS Excel的同级数据库)中,使用定义为两个项的8个数组的表,下面是交叉连接查询。每个数组表中的项字段携带配对

SELECT Array1.Item, Array2.Item, Array3.Item, Array4.Item, 
       Array5.Item, Array6.Item, Array7.Item, Array8.Item
FROM Array1, Array2, Array3, Array4, 
     Array5, Array6, Array7, Array8;



由于VBA可以通过关联的驱动程序(包括Excel的ODBC Jet驱动程序)连接到各种SQL引擎,因此工作簿可以连接到工作表范围并运行相同的交叉连接查询:

Sub CrossJoinQuery()

    Dim conn As Object
    Dim rst As Object
    Dim sConn As String, strSQL As String

    Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    sConn = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};" _
               & "DBQ=C:\Path To\Excel\Workbook.xlsx;"
    conn.Open sConn

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [ArraySheet1$A1:A3], [ArraySheet2$A1:A3], 
                            [ArraySheet3$A1:A3], [ArraySheet4$A1:A3],
                            [ArraySheet5$A1:A3], [ArraySheet6$A1:A3], 
                            [ArraySheet7$A1:A3], [ArraySheet8$A1:A3]"
    rst.Open strSQL, conn

    Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset rst


    Set rst = Nothing
    Set conn = Nothing

End Sub

你能重申你的目标吗?您想做什么?我想将循环数设置为变量。例如,在上面的示例中,我使用了8个循环,因此输出为2^8=256。但有时我只需要2个,例如。所以输出将是2x2矩阵。它只是填充数组中的数据。此数组长度是可变的,因此所有循环都根据每个数组长度运行。如果要获得不同数组元素的完全外部联接,可以查看以下问题:。有范围而不是数组,但很容易适应。不需要递归。@BradNicku,很好的链接!我在同一篇帖子上作了回答。OP应该考虑VBA记录集与工作簿的连接,并在所有数组上运行笛卡尔叉积SQL。您可以重述您的目标吗?您想做什么?我想将循环数设置为变量。例如,在上面的示例中,我使用了8个循环,因此输出为2^8=256。但有时我只需要2个,例如。所以输出将是2x2矩阵。它只是填充数组中的数据。此数组长度是可变的,因此所有循环都根据每个数组长度运行。如果要获得不同数组元素的完全外部联接,可以查看以下问题:。有范围而不是数组,但很容易适应。不需要递归。@BradNicku,很好的链接!我在同一篇帖子上作了回答。OP应该考虑VBA记录集连接到工作簿,并在所有数组上运行一个笛卡尔叉积SQL。这个解决方案听起来非常简单明了,但是您可以确认<代码> [AlaySHIET1A$A1:A3] < /Cord>是SeET1!A1:A3,
是第2张!A1:A3。等如何修改strSQL以适应不同的范围?也就是说,要构建用于一般用途的strSQL?此外,它是否可以与连接到C:\Path to\Excel\workbook.xlsx的C:\Path to\Excel\workbook.xlsx中的工作簿位于同一工作簿上?@Patrick Yes
是第2张!A1:A3。等如何修改strSQL以适应不同的范围?也就是说,要构建用于一般用途的strSQL?此外,它是否可以与连接到C:\Path to\Excel\workbook.xlsx的C:\Path to\Excel\workbook.xlsx中的工作簿位于同一工作簿上?@Patrick Yes