
将Excel公式字符串解析为VBA中的前置字符串、函数、参数和后置函数字符串,excel,vba,parsing,Excel,Vba,Parsing,对于给定的Excel函数,例如VLOOKUP,我需要将单元格的公式字符串解析为: preFunctionStr=VLOOKUP函数前面的字符串 ExcelFn=VLOOKUP Arguments=VLOOKUP函数中所有参数的集合,这些参数本身可能包含函数 postFunctionStr=公式字符串中最后一个后面的字符串 我希望这样做的主要原因是能够转换Excel公式而不改变它们的答案。例如,将SUMIF转换为SUMIFS,并将VLOOKUP转换为索引和匹配的组合 在我的示例中,我所在的单元格包


preFunctionStr=VLOOKUP函数前面的字符串 ExcelFn=VLOOKUP Arguments=VLOOKUP函数中所有参数的集合,这些参数本身可能包含函数 postFunctionStr=公式字符串中最后一个后面的字符串 我希望这样做的主要原因是能够转换Excel公式而不改变它们的答案。例如,将SUMIF转换为SUMIFS,并将VLOOKUP转换为索引和匹配的组合





Sub TestFormulaParser()

    Dim ParsedForm As ExcelFormulaParser
    Set ParsedForm = New ExcelFormulaParser
    Dim StrToParse As String
    StrToParse = ActiveCell.Formula
        ' formula contains:
        '' =A4+VLOOKUP(2,$E$4:$F$8,MATCH("Value(1)",$E$4:$F$4,0),0) + 2000
    Call ParsedForm.SetMeUp(StrToParse, "VLOOKUP")

    preFunctionStr = ParsedForm.preFunctionStr
        ' returns the prefunction string i.e. =A4+
    ExcelFn = ParsedForm.ExcelFn
        ' returns the excel function we parsed i.e. VLOOKUP
    Arg1 = ParsedForm.Arguments(1)
        ' returns the first argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. 2
    Arg2 = ParsedForm.Arguments(2)
        ' returns the second argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. $E$4:$F$8
    Arg3 = ParsedForm.Arguments(3)
        ' returns the third argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. MATCH("Value(1)",$E$4:$F$4,0)
    Arg4 = ParsedForm.Arguments(4)
        ' returns the fourth argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. 0
    postFunctionStr = ParsedForm.postFunctionStr
        ' returns the post function string i.e.  + 2000

End Sub

Sub TestFormulaParser()

    Dim ParsedForm As ExcelFormulaParser
    Set ParsedForm = New ExcelFormulaParser
    Dim StrToParse As String
    StrToParse = ActiveCell.Formula
        ' formula contains:
        '' =A4+VLOOKUP(2,$E$4:$F$8,MATCH("Value(1)",$E$4:$F$4,0),0) + 2000
    Call ParsedForm.SetMeUp(StrToParse, "VLOOKUP")

    preFunctionStr = ParsedForm.preFunctionStr
        ' returns the prefunction string i.e. =A4+
    ExcelFn = ParsedForm.ExcelFn
        ' returns the excel function we parsed i.e. VLOOKUP
    Arg1 = ParsedForm.Arguments(1)
        ' returns the first argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. 2
    Arg2 = ParsedForm.Arguments(2)
        ' returns the second argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. $E$4:$F$8
    Arg3 = ParsedForm.Arguments(3)
        ' returns the third argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. MATCH("Value(1)",$E$4:$F$4,0)
    Arg4 = ParsedForm.Arguments(4)
        ' returns the fourth argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. 0
    postFunctionStr = ParsedForm.postFunctionStr
        ' returns the post function string i.e.  + 2000

End Sub