Excel 不使用Outlook通过VBA阅读GMail电子邮件

Excel 不使用Outlook通过VBA阅读GMail电子邮件,excel,ms-access,vba,gmail,Excel,Ms Access,Vba,Gmail,如果电脑上没有安装Outlook,如何通过VBA阅读GMail电子邮件 我在谷歌上搜索了它,但没有找到任何不依赖Outlook的解决方案。您可以使用谷歌api在没有Outlook的情况下将其存档。 github上有一个支持gmail api的平台 下面是一个使用vba web的gmail示例: 您可以通过添加自定义参考库EAGetMail将GMAIL电子邮件数据拉入Excel 您可以找到安装链接和演示宏 Attribute VB_Name = "Gmail" ' Setup



您可以使用谷歌api在没有Outlook的情况下将其存档。 github上有一个支持gmail api的平台

下面是一个使用vba web的gmail示例:


Attribute VB_Name = "Gmail"
' Setup client and authenticator (cached between requests)
Private pGmailClient As WebClient
Private Property Get GmailClient() As WebClient
    If pGmailClient Is Nothing Then
        ' Create client with base url that is appended to all requests
        Set pGmailClient = New WebClient
        pGmailClient.BaseUrl = "https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/"
        ' Use the pre-made GoogleAuthenticator found in authenticators/ folder
        ' - Automatically uses Google's OAuth approach including login screen
        ' - Get API client id and secret from https://console.developers.google.com/
        ' - https://github.com/timhall/Excel-REST/wiki/Google-APIs for more info
        Dim Auth As New GoogleAuthenticator
        Auth.Setup CStr(Credentials.Values("Google")("id")), CStr(Credentials.Values("Google")("secret"))
        Auth.AddScope "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly"
        Set pGmailClient.Authenticator = Auth
    End If
    Set GmailClient = pGmailClient
End Property

' Load messages for inbox
Function LoadInbox() As Collection
    Set LoadInbox = New Collection
    ' Create inbox request with userId and querystring for inbox label
    Dim Request As New WebRequest
    Request.Resource = "users/{userId}/messages"
    Request.AddUrlSegment "userId", "me"
    Request.AddQuerystringParam "q", "label:inbox"
    Dim Response As WebResponse
    Set Response = GmailClient.Execute(Request)
    If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Ok Then
        Dim MessageInfo As Dictionary
        Dim Message As Dictionary
        For Each MessageInfo In Response.Data("messages")
            ' Load full messages for each id
            Set Message = LoadMessage(MessageInfo("id"))
            If Not Message Is Nothing Then
                LoadInbox.Add Message
            End If
        Next MessageInfo
    End If
End Function

' Load message details
Function LoadMessage(MessageId As String) As Dictionary
    Dim Request As New WebRequest
    Request.Resource = "users/{userId}/messages/{messageId}"
    Request.AddUrlSegment "userId", "me"
    Request.AddUrlSegment "messageId", MessageId
    Dim Response As WebResponse
    Set Response = GmailClient.Execute(Request)
    If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Ok Then
        Set LoadMessage = New Dictionary
        ' Pull out relevant parts of message (from, to, and subject from headers)
        LoadMessage.Add "snippet", Response.Data("snippet")
        Dim Header As Dictionary
        For Each Header In Response.Data("payload")("headers")
            Select Case Header("name")
            Case "From"
                LoadMessage.Add "from", Header("value")
            Case "To"
                LoadMessage.Add "to", Header("value")
            Case "Subject"
                LoadMessage.Add "subject", Header("value")
            End Select
        Next Header
    End If
End Function

Sub Test()
    Dim Message As Dictionary
    For Each Message In LoadInbox
        Debug.Print "From: " & Message("from") & ", Subject: " & Message("subject")
        Debug.Print Message("snippet") & vbNewLine
    Next Message
End Sub