Excel 用于自动化图纸的VBA代码

Excel 用于自动化图纸的VBA代码,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,1) 我已经在VBA中创建了一个表单,并与第一张表单建立了连接,当我单击按钮时,表单将弹出以输入数据,但我想要的是,我想在第一张表单中指定一个按钮,当我单击按钮时,表单应显示,当我将数据插入表单时,表单应显示在第二张表单中 2) 我插入到表中的数据只有四行,完成后,如果要修改特定列或特定行的数据,我们如何才能做到这一点,我需要有人建议我在这方面,我也要求你给我发送代码如何修改 3) 如果我想输入新数据,我还要求你给我发送代码来清除表格 如果有人在这三点上帮助我,我会很高兴 Private Sub

1) 我已经在VBA中创建了一个表单,并与第一张表单建立了连接,当我单击按钮时,表单将弹出以输入数据,但我想要的是,我想在第一张表单中指定一个按钮,当我单击按钮时,表单应显示,当我将数据插入表单时,表单应显示在第二张表单中

2) 我插入到表中的数据只有四行,完成后,如果要修改特定列或特定行的数据,我们如何才能做到这一点,我需要有人建议我在这方面,我也要求你给我发送代码如何修改

3) 如果我想输入新数据,我还要求你给我发送代码来清除表格


Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim i As Integer

'position cursor in the correct cell B9.
i = 1 'set as the first ID

'validate first four controls have been entered...
If Me.txtFName.Text = Empty Then 'Firstname
    MsgBox "Please enter firstname.", vbExclamation
    Me.txtFName.SetFocus 'position cursor to try again
    Exit Sub 'terminate here - why continue?
End If

If Me.txtSName.Text = Empty Then 'Surname
    MsgBox "Please enter surname.", vbExclamation
    Me.txtSName.SetFocus 'position cursor to try again
    Exit Sub 'terminate here - why continue?
End If

If Me.txtFuName.Text = Empty Then 'FullName
    MsgBox "Please enter fullname.", vbExclamation
    Me.txtFuName.SetFocus 'position cursor to try again
    Exit Sub 'terminate here - why continue?
End If

If Me.txtDName.Text = Empty Then 'Designation
    MsgBox "Please enter Designation.", vbExclamation
    Me.txtDName.SetFocus 'position cursor to try again
    Exit Sub 'terminate here - why continue?
End If

'if all the above are false (OK) then carry on.
'check to see the next available blank row start at cell B9...
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = Empty
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'move down 1 row
    i = i + 1 'keep a count of the ID for later use

'Populate the new data values into the 'Data' worksheet.
ActiveCell.Value = i 'Next ID number
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Me.txtFName.Text 'set col B
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Me.txtSName.Text 'set col C
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = Me.txtFuName.Text 'set col D
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = Me.txtDName.Text 'set col E

'Clear down the values ready for the next record entry...
Me.txtFName.Text = Empty
Me.txtSName.Text = Empty
Me.txtFuName.Text = Empty
Me.txtDName.Text = Empty

Me.txtFName.SetFocus 'positions the cursor for next record entry

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
    'Close the form (itself)
    Unload Me
End Sub


Sub Launch()
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    With ws           
        '~~> Assuming you want to write to only 1st 4 rows as you mentioned
        .Range("A1").Value = TextBox1.Text
        .Range("A2").Value = TextBox2.Text
        .Range("A3").Value = TextBox3.Text
        .Range("A4").Value = TextBox4.Text
    End With
End Sub


Userform\u Initialize()

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    With ws
        TextBox1.Text = .Range("A1").Value
        TextBox2.Text = .Range("A2").Value
        TextBox3.Text = .Range("A3").Value
        TextBox4.Text = .Range("A4").Value
    End With
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
