
使用PSexcel如何使用powershell获取结果并将多列拆分为一列,excel,powershell-4.0,Excel,Powershell 4.0,好的,我正在使用powershell的PSExcel模块。我已经从输入excel文件中获得了所需的数据,但我正在尝试做的是选取4列,并将它们转换为总共2列 $rbi = get-Workbook $excel | Get-Worksheet -Name "Cable Run List" #get-cellvalue tells excel the coordinates of cells you need collected from worksheet within wo


$rbi = get-Workbook $excel | Get-Worksheet -Name "Cable Run List"

#get-cellvalue tells excel the coordinates of cells you need collected from worksheet within workbook.
#-Header names the columns grabbed from the RBI
$olabels = Get-CellValue $rbi -Coordinates y12:z335 -Header Source1, Source2
$dlabels = Get-CellValue $rbi -Coordinates aa12:ab335 -Header Destination1, Destination2


#this exports the labels into a xlsx excel format.
Export-XLSX -Path "C:\Users\fouched\Desktop\TestScript\test.xlsx" -InputObject $labels