Excel 具有重要工作簿概述和打开它们的功能的Listbox加载项

Excel 具有重要工作簿概述和打开它们的功能的Listbox加载项,excel,vba,listbox,userform,Excel,Vba,Listbox,Userform,我想创建一个宏,我可以与同事共享,其中有一个userformlistbox,包含我们所有重要工作簿的简单概述 我刚开始使用VBA Excel,很难弄清楚程序是如何工作的。我在这个问题上搜索了很多,但是没有找到我可以使用的东西。我认为解决办法相当简单 Private Sub ListBox1_Click() End Sub 本质上,我只需要一个带有我定义的工作簿列表框的用户表单。工作簿位于不同的文件夹结构中,因此我需要为每个工作簿设置路径 用户表单应该有一个名为“打开”的命令单击框,用户在选择


我刚开始使用VBA Excel,很难弄清楚程序是如何工作的。我在这个问题上搜索了很多,但是没有找到我可以使用的东西。我认为解决办法相当简单

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()

End Sub




Option Explicit                  ' declaration head of userform code module

Private Sub doOpenSelectedWB()
' Purpose: add open file functionality (called by CommandButton1 and Listbox1's double click event)
  With Me.ListBox1
     ' [1] Escape proc if no valid item
       If .ListIndex < 0 Or .ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
     ' [2] Get selected workbook name via list value (index 0 equals 1st column)
       Dim myFileName As String
       myFileName = .List(.ListIndex, 0)
     ' [3] Open existing workbooks via Workbooks.Open method
       If WBExists(myFileName) Then Workbooks.Open myFileName
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Purpose: prefill listbox with array values
  Dim myWBArray()
  myWBArray = Array("C:\Users\Admin\documents\test.xlsx", "C:\Users\Admin\documents\test2.xlsx", "C:\Users\Nowhere\nonsens.xlsm")
  Me.ListBox1.List = myWBArray
End Sub

Option Explicit                  ' declaration head of userform code module

Private Sub doOpenSelectedWB()
' Purpose: add open file functionality (called by CommandButton1 and Listbox1's double click event)
  With Me.ListBox1
     ' [1] Escape proc if no valid item
       If .ListIndex < 0 Or .ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
     ' [2] Get selected workbook name via list value (index 0 equals 1st column)
       Dim myFileName As String
       myFileName = .List(.ListIndex, 0)
     ' [3] Open existing workbooks via Workbooks.Open method
       If WBExists(myFileName) Then Workbooks.Open myFileName
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Purpose: prefill listbox with array values
  Dim myWBArray()
  myWBArray = Array("C:\Users\Admin\documents\test.xlsx", "C:\Users\Admin\documents\test2.xlsx", "C:\Users\Nowhere\nonsens.xlsm")
  Me.ListBox1.List = myWBArray
End Sub
Private Function WBExists(Fullname$, Optional ByVal Infotext$ = "File not found!") As Boolean
' Purpose: Check if workbook exists
  If Dir(Fullname) = vbNullString Then
      MsgBox "File " & Fullname & " not found!", vbExclamation, Infotext
      WBExists = True
  End If
End Function

Private Sub UserForm_Layout()
' Purpose: name command button
  Me.CommandButton1.Caption = "Open"
End Sub