Flutter 对从服务器获取数据进行简单限制

Flutter 对从服务器获取数据进行简单限制,flutter,dart,Flutter,Dart,在我的应用程序下面的这一部分中,我想对单击按钮时从服务器获取数据做一个简单的限制,事实上,当我单击按钮时,我想将简单变量检查为lastGetDataTimeStamp 我的代码和从服务器获取数据只对第一个初始应用程序和方法有效,我如何解决这个问题 final MyApi _api; int lastGetDataTimeStamp = 0; bool _isExpanded = false; bool get isExpanded => _isExpanded;



  final MyApi _api;
  int lastGetDataTimeStamp = 0;
  bool _isExpanded = false;

  bool get isExpanded => _isExpanded;

  Future<Response<BuiltAccountData>> getLatestStories(bool canGet) {
      DateTime currentTime = DateTime.now();
      var date = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(lastGetDataTimeStamp * 1000);
      var diff = currentTime.difference(date);

      if (diff.inMinutes >= 3) {
        lastGetDataTimeStamp = DateTime.now().toUtc().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
        BuiltLogin login = BuiltLogin((b) => b
          ..page_name = ''
          ..page_password = '');
        return _api.getLatestStoriesList(login);
      } else {
        return null;
      return null;


  // Note: You might want to make this a global variable depending on this class lifetime.
  DateTime _lastAccessedAt;

  Future<Response<BuiltAccountData>> getLatestStories(bool canGet) {
    if (!canGet) {
      print("Can't get");
      return Future.value(null);
    // Remove below block. Only for debugging.
    if (_lastAccessedAt != null) {
      print("Diff: ${DateTime.now().difference(_lastAccessedAt).inSeconds} secs");

    if (_lastAccessedAt != null && DateTime.now().difference(_lastAccessedAt).inMinutes < 3) {
      print("Ignoring request as last access time is less than 3mins");
      return Future.value(null);
    _lastAccessedAt = DateTime.now();
    print("Sending to server");
    /* Your logic goes here*/