Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/5/fortran/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Fortran MPI按顺序写入文件_Fortran_Mpi_Paraview_Mpi Io - Fatal编程技术网

Fortran MPI按顺序写入文件

Fortran MPI按顺序写入文件,fortran,mpi,paraview,mpi-io,Fortran,Mpi,Paraview,Mpi Io,我正在用fortran CFD解算器编写一个并行VTK文件(pvti)。该文件实际上只是每个数据段的所有单个文件的列表。运行MPI,如果我让每个进程将其单个文件的名称写入标准输出 print *, name 然后我得到了每个文件的一个很好的列表,即 block0.vti block1.vti block2.vti 这正是我想要的那种名单。但是如果我写一个文件 write(9,*) name 然后我在文件中只得到一个输出。有没有一种简单的方法可以在不传输数据的情况下复制此文件的标准输出版本?

我正在用fortran CFD解算器编写一个并行VTK文件(pvti)。该文件实际上只是每个数据段的所有单个文件的列表。运行MPI,如果我让每个进程将其单个文件的名称写入标准输出

print *, name


write(9,*) name



Program ascii_mpiio

  ! simple example to show MPI-IO "emulating" Fortran 
  ! formatted direct access files. Note can not use the latter
  ! in parallel with multiple processes writing to one file
  ! is behaviour is not defined (and DOES go wrong on certain
  ! machines)

  Use mpi

  Implicit None

  ! All the "lines" in the file will be this length
  Integer, Parameter :: max_line_length = 30

  ! We also need to explicitly write a carriage return. 
  ! here I am assuming  ASCII
  Character, Parameter :: lf = Achar( 10 )

  ! Buffer to hold a line
  Character( Len = max_line_length + 1 ) :: line

  Integer :: me, nproc
  Integer :: fh
  Integer :: record
  Integer :: error
  Integer :: i

  ! Initialise MPI
  Call mpi_init( error )
  Call mpi_comm_rank( mpi_comm_world, me   , error )
  Call mpi_comm_size( mpi_comm_world, nproc, error )

  ! Create a MPI derived type that will contain a line of the final
  ! output just before we write it using MPI-IO. Note this also
  ! includes the carriage return at the end of the line.
  Call mpi_type_contiguous( max_line_length + 1, mpi_character, record, error )
  Call mpi_type_commit( record, error )

  ! Open the file. prob want to change the path and name
  Call mpi_file_open( mpi_comm_world, '/home/ian/test/mpiio/stuff.dat', &
       mpi_mode_wronly + mpi_mode_create, &
       mpi_info_null, fh, error )

  ! Set the view for the file. Note the etype and ftype are both RECORD,
  ! the derived type used to represent a whole line, and the displacement
  ! is zero. Thus
  ! a) Each process can "see" all of the file
  ! b) The unit of displacement in subsequent calls is a line. 
  !    Thus if we have a displacement of zero we write to the first line,
  !    1 means we write to the second line, and in general i means
  !    we write to the (i+1)th line
  Call mpi_file_set_view( fh, 0_mpi_offset_kind, record, record, &
       'native', mpi_info_null, error )

  ! Make each process write to a different part of the file
  Do i = me, 50, nproc
     ! Use an internal write to transfer the data into the
     ! character buffer
     Write( line, '( "This is line ", i0, " from ", i0 )' ) i, me
     !Remember the line feed at the end of the line
     line( Len( line ):Len( line ) ) = lf
     ! Write with a displacement of i, and thus to line i+1
     ! in the file
     Call mpi_file_write_at( fh, Int( i, mpi_offset_kind ), &
          line, 1, record, mpi_status_ignore, error )
  End Do

  ! Close the file
  Call mpi_file_close( fh, error )

  ! Tidy up
  Call mpi_type_free( record, error )

  Call mpi_finalize( error )

End Program ascii_mpii



Program ascii_mpiio

  ! simple example to show MPI-IO "emulating" Fortran 
  ! formatted direct access files. Note can not use the latter
  ! in parallel with multiple processes writing to one file
  ! is behaviour is not defined (and DOES go wrong on certain
  ! machines)

  Use mpi

  Implicit None

  ! All the "lines" in the file will be this length
  Integer, Parameter :: max_line_length = 30

  ! We also need to explicitly write a carriage return. 
  ! here I am assuming  ASCII
  Character, Parameter :: lf = Achar( 10 )

  ! Buffer to hold a line
  Character( Len = max_line_length + 1 ) :: line

  Integer :: me, nproc
  Integer :: fh
  Integer :: record
  Integer :: error
  Integer :: i

  ! Initialise MPI
  Call mpi_init( error )
  Call mpi_comm_rank( mpi_comm_world, me   , error )
  Call mpi_comm_size( mpi_comm_world, nproc, error )

  ! Create a MPI derived type that will contain a line of the final
  ! output just before we write it using MPI-IO. Note this also
  ! includes the carriage return at the end of the line.
  Call mpi_type_contiguous( max_line_length + 1, mpi_character, record, error )
  Call mpi_type_commit( record, error )

  ! Open the file. prob want to change the path and name
  Call mpi_file_open( mpi_comm_world, '/home/ian/test/mpiio/stuff.dat', &
       mpi_mode_wronly + mpi_mode_create, &
       mpi_info_null, fh, error )

  ! Set the view for the file. Note the etype and ftype are both RECORD,
  ! the derived type used to represent a whole line, and the displacement
  ! is zero. Thus
  ! a) Each process can "see" all of the file
  ! b) The unit of displacement in subsequent calls is a line. 
  !    Thus if we have a displacement of zero we write to the first line,
  !    1 means we write to the second line, and in general i means
  !    we write to the (i+1)th line
  Call mpi_file_set_view( fh, 0_mpi_offset_kind, record, record, &
       'native', mpi_info_null, error )

  ! Make each process write to a different part of the file
  Do i = me, 50, nproc
     ! Use an internal write to transfer the data into the
     ! character buffer
     Write( line, '( "This is line ", i0, " from ", i0 )' ) i, me
     !Remember the line feed at the end of the line
     line( Len( line ):Len( line ) ) = lf
     ! Write with a displacement of i, and thus to line i+1
     ! in the file
     Call mpi_file_write_at( fh, Int( i, mpi_offset_kind ), &
          line, 1, record, mpi_status_ignore, error )
  End Do

  ! Close the file
  Call mpi_file_close( fh, error )

  ! Tidy up
  Call mpi_type_free( record, error )

  Call mpi_finalize( error )

End Program ascii_mpii



! Loop over processes in order
DO n = 0,numProcesses-1

  ! Write to file if it is my turn
  IF(nproc == n)THEN 
    ! Write output here

  ! This call ensures that all processes wait for each other
#ifdef MPI
  CALL MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_world,ierr)




! Loop over processes in order
DO n = 0,numProcesses-1

  ! Write to file if it is my turn
  IF(nproc == n)THEN 
    ! Write output here

  ! This call ensures that all processes wait for each other
#ifdef MPI
  CALL MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm_world,ierr)



语句可能会将文件截断为零长度,从而删除以前的内容,而不是附加到文件中。我和Vladimir F在这件事上是一致的,我只会写0级的文件。以下列出了几种可能的情况:

  • 每个列组写入一个单独的VTK文件,顺序跟随列组,或者实际顺序不重要。在这种情况下,您可以简单地使用秩0中从

  • 每个列组写入一个单独的VTK文件,但顺序与列组不同,例如,列组0写入

  • 有些列组写入VTK文件,有些不写入,并且块顺序不跟随列组。这与前一种情况类似-只需让不写入块的列组发送一个负的块号,然后列组0将跳过负的数组元素

  • 块编号遵循列组顺序,但并非所有列组都写入块。在这种情况下,您可以使用

语句可能会将文件长度截断为零,从而删除以前的内容,而不是附加到文件中。我和Vladimir F在这件事上是一致的,我只会写0级的文件。以下列出了几种可能的情况:

  • 每个列组写入一个单独的VTK文件,顺序跟随列组,或者实际顺序不重要。在这种情况下,您可以简单地使用秩0中从

  • 每个列组写入一个单独的VTK文件,但顺序与列组不同,例如,列组0写入

  • 有些列组写入VTK文件,有些不写入,并且块顺序不跟随列组。这与前一种情况类似-只需让不写入块的列组发送一个负的块号,然后列组0将跳过负的数组元素

  • 块编号遵循列组顺序,但并非所有列组都写入块。在这种情况下,您可以使用

谢谢。在我检查这个之前,你知道为什么打印功能对我有效,但并不总是有效吗?引擎盖下发生了什么?没什么特别的,只是所有的事情都是异步发生的。不仅是程序,还有程序与正在写入的屏幕或文件之间的I/O层。因此,即使您同步以确保程序中的顺序,您也无法同步下面的所有层,因此顺序可能会丢失。MPI-I/O是管理这一点的唯一明智的方法。因此答案是“不,使用MPI-IO没有简单的方法。”在我的例子中,只需重新计算秩0 a上的“名称”就容易得多