F# 使用OpenText、ReadLine和WriteLine编写替换字符串的函数

F# 使用OpenText、ReadLine和WriteLine编写替换字符串的函数,f#,F#,我必须编写一个函数,给定文件名、指针和替换,在给定的文本文档中交换两个字符串。函数必须使用System.IO.File.OpenText、WriteLine和ReadLine语法。我现在被困在这里,函数似乎覆盖了给定的文本文档,而不是替换指针 open System let fileReplace (filename : string) (needle : string) (replace : string) : unit = try // uses try-with to ca


 open System

let fileReplace (filename : string) (needle : string) (replace : string) : unit = 
    try // uses try-with to catch fail-cases
        let lines = seq {
                        use file = IO.File.OpenText filename // uses OpenText
                        while not file.EndOfStream // runs through the file 
                            do yield file.ReadLine().Replace(needle, replace)
        use writer = IO.File.CreateText filename // creates the file 
        for line in lines
            do writer.Write line
        _ -> failwith "Something went wrong opening this file" // uses failwith exception

let filename = @"C:\Users\....\abc.txt"
let needle = "string" // given string already appearing in the text
let replace = "string" // Whatever string that needs to be replaced
fileReplace filename needle replace



let fileReplace (filename : string) (needle : string) (replace : string) : unit = 
    try // uses try-with to catch fail-cases
        let lines = 
            [ use file = IO.File.OpenText filename // uses OpenText
              while not file.EndOfStream do // runs through the file 
                yield file.ReadLine().Replace(needle, replace)
        use writer = IO.File.CreateText filename // creates the file 
        for line in lines do
            writer.WriteLine line
        _ -> failwith "Something went wrong opening this file" // uses failwith exception
我还删除了Close call,因为use会为您解决这个问题

