是否可以向悬停时的SmartGWT listGrid单元格添加工具提示?

是否可以向悬停时的SmartGWT listGrid单元格添加工具提示?,gwt,smartgwt,Gwt,Smartgwt,是否可以向悬停时的SmartGWT listGrid单元格添加工具提示 如果可能的话怎么办 我无法使用任何方法将工具提示直接添加到悬停单元格中,有人能帮我吗?ListGridField governmentField=new ListGridField(“政府”、“政府”,120); ListGridField governmentField = new ListGridField("government", "Government", 120); governmentField.set

是否可以向悬停时的SmartGWT listGrid单元格添加工具提示

ListGridField governmentField=new ListGridField(“政府”、“政府”,120);
ListGridField governmentField = new ListGridField("government", "Government", 120);
    governmentField.setHoverCustomizer(new HoverCustomizer() {
        public String hoverHTML(Object value, ListGridRecord record, int rowNum, int colNum) {
            CountryRecord countryRecord = (CountryRecord) record;
            int governmentDesc = countryRecord.getGovernmentDesc();
            String[] governmentDescription = new String[]{
              "<b>Communism</b> - a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single - often authoritarian - party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people (i.e., a classless society).",
              "<b>Constitutional monarchy</b> - a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution whereby his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.",
              "<b>Federal republic</b> - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives.",
              "<b>Federal (Federative)</b> - a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution - between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.",
              "<b>Parliamentary monarchy</b> - a state headed by a monarch who is not actively involved in policy formation or implementation (i.e., the exercise of sovereign powers by a monarch in a ceremonial capacity); true governmental leadership is carried out by a cabinet and its head - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor - who are drawn from a legislature (parliament).",
              "<b>Republic</b> - a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation."
            return governmentDescription[governmentDesc];
governmentField.setShowHover(true); governmentField.setHoverCustomizer(新的HoverCustomizer(){ 公共字符串hoverHTML(对象值、ListGridRecord记录、int rowNum、int colNum){ CountryRecord CountryRecord=(CountryRecord)记录; int governmentDesc=countryRecord.getGovernmentDesc(); 字符串[]政府描述=新字符串[]{ “共产主义——一种由国家计划和控制经济,由一个单一的——通常是极权的——政党掌权的政府制度;国家控制是通过消除私有财产或资本,同时声称向更高的社会秩序迈进,在这种社会秩序中,所有商品都由人民平等分享(即无阶级社会)。”, “君主立宪制——君主受宪法指导的一种政府制度,其权利、义务和责任在成文法或惯例中明确规定。”, “联邦共和国——一个中央政府权力受到限制的国家,其组成部分(州、殖民地或省)保留一定程度的自治;最终主权属于选择其政府代表的选民。”, “联邦制(Federative)——一种政府形式,通常通过宪法在中央当局和若干组成地区(州、殖民地或省)之间正式划分主权权力使每个地区保留对其内部事务的某种管理;与邦联不同的是,中央政府直接对个人和地区单位施加影响。”, “议会君主制——由不积极参与政策制定或执行(即君主以礼仪身份行使主权权力)的君主领导的国家;真正的政府领导由内阁及其领导人——总理、总理或总理——从立法机构中抽调而来(议会)。“, “共和国——由人民选出的代表(代表)而不是人民自己对立法进行投票的代议制民主。” }; 返回governmentDescription[governmentDesc]; } });
