Haskell 需要从列表中生成可能的树

Haskell 需要从列表中生成可能的树,haskell,tree,enumeration,template-haskell,catalan,Haskell,Tree,Enumeration,Template Haskell,Catalan,我想从一个int列表中生成所有可能的树,但是我只生成一棵树 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 14 5 42 就像这些加泰罗尼亚数字。如果我的列表大小是3,我想生成5棵可能的树,如果4-14棵可能的树 代码: data T = N T T | L Int deriving (Show) toT :: [Int] -> T toT [] = L 0 toT [n] = L n toT ns = T (


1           1
2           2
3           5
4          14
5          42


data T = N T T | L Int deriving (Show)
toT :: [Int] -> T
toT [] = L 0
toT [n] = L n
toT ns = T (toT (take mid ns)) (toT (drop (mid+1) ns))
mid = length ns div 2



     toTree [] = error "!!"
     toTree [n] = Leaf n
     toTree ns = Node leftTree rightTree
     leftTree = toTree $ take (length(ns)-1) ns
     rightTree = toTree $ drop (length(ns)-1) ns` ı want ns length contiue descend one point recursive but ı didnt



import Data.List

data Tree = Node Tree Tree | Leaf Int deriving (Show)

toTree :: [Int] -> Tree
toTree [] = Leaf 0
toTree [n] = Leaf n
toTree ns = Node leftTree rightTree
    where midIndex = (length ns) `div` 2
          leftTree = toTree $ take midIndex ns
          rightTree = toTree $ drop (midIndex+1) ns

allTrees :: [Int] -> [Tree]
allTrees xs = map toTree $ permutations xs

main = print $ allTrees [1..4]


data Tree
  = L {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  | N !Tree !Tree
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- Convert a list of Ints into a list of Trees containing the given list.
toTrees :: [Int] -> [Tree]

-- We start with the base cases: 0 and 1 elements. Because there are no
-- trees of 0 length, it returns the empty list in that case.
toTrees [] = []
toTrees [x] = [L x]

-- There is at least two elements in this list, so the split into nonempty
-- lists contains at least one element.
toTrees (x:xs@(y:ys)) = let
  -- splitWith uses a difference list to accumulate the left end of the
  -- split list.
  splitWith :: ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [([a], [a])]
  splitWith fn [] = []
  splitWith fn as@(a:as') = (fn [], as):splitWith (fn . (:) a) as'

  -- Now we use a list comprehension to take the list of trees from each
  -- split sublist.
  in [
    N tl tr |
    (ll, lr) <- ([x], xs):splitWith ((:) x . (:) y) ys,
    tl <- toTrees ll,
    tr <- toTrees lr

data tree a=Branch a(tree a)(tree a)| empty
GHCi> toTrees [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[N (L 1) (N (L 2) (N (L 3) (N (L 4) (L 5)))),N (L 1) (N (L 2) (N (N (L 3) (L 4)) (L 5))),
 N (L 1) (N (N (L 2) (L 3)) (N (L 4) (L 5))),N (L 1) (N (N (L 2) (N (L 3) (L 4))) (L 5)),
 N (L 1) (N (N (N (L 2) (L 3)) (L 4)) (L 5)),N (N (L 1) (L 2)) (N (L 3) (N (L 4) (L 5))),
 N (N (L 1) (L 2)) (N (N (L 3) (L 4)) (L 5)),N (N (L 1) (N (L 2) (L 3))) (N (L 4) (L 5)),
 N (N (N (L 1) (L 2)) (L 3)) (N (L 4) (L 5)),N (N (L 1) (N (L 2) (N (L 3) (L 4)))) (L 5),
 N (N (L 1) (N (N (L 2) (L 3)) (L 4))) (L 5),N (N (N (L 1) (L 2)) (N (L 3) (L 4))) (L 5),
 N (N (N (L 1) (N (L 2) (L 3))) (L 4)) (L 5),N (N (N (N (L 1) (L 2)) (L 3)) (L 4)) (L 5)]
GHCi> length it