Html cvc elt.1教程5“新视角”

Html cvc elt.1教程5“新视角”,html,css,xml,xslt,Html,Css,Xml,Xslt,在我的XML在线课程中,我被分配完成本教程 Jenna一直在努力创建一个DVD库,在那里她可以列出她拥有的所有DVD。有些是她自己买的,有些是她妈妈、爸爸、姐姐、爷爷和奶奶送给她的礼物。她的库的根元素是带有一个或多个dvd元素的dvd库。每张dvd都有标题、说明、年份、公司、喜爱的角色、喜爱的奖励功能和购买信息。她的每个角色元素都有一个或多个角色元素。她的奖励元素都有一个或多个特征。她购买的每个元素都有价格、位置和日期。dvd元素有两个属性,奖金元素有一个属性,购买的元素没有属性。 Jenna希


Jenna一直在努力创建一个DVD库,在那里她可以列出她拥有的所有DVD。有些是她自己买的,有些是她妈妈、爸爸、姐姐、爷爷和奶奶送给她的礼物。她的库的根元素是带有一个或多个dvd元素的dvd库。每张dvd都有标题、说明、年份、公司、喜爱的角色、喜爱的奖励功能和购买信息。她的每个角色元素都有一个或多个角色元素。她的奖励元素都有一个或多个特征。她购买的每个元素都有价格、位置和日期。dvd元素有两个属性,奖金元素有一个属性,购买的元素没有属性。 Jenna希望创建一个XSLT样式表,用于漂亮地显示DVD收藏信息。她已经为页面创建了CSS样式表


<h1>DVD List</h1>
dvd template
      Bonus Features:
feature/feature/ …
使用文本编辑器打开文件dvdlibrary.txt。查看内容以熟悉XML文件的结构。 在序言中添加一条注释,说明文件、姓名、日期和文件名。 将文件另存为dvdlibrary.xml。 在将dvdlibrary.xsl样式表附加到此XML文档的注释部分后添加处理说明。关闭文件,保存更改。 使用文本编辑器打开文件dvdlibrarytxt.xsl。在文件的注释部分输入您的姓名和日期,并将其另存为dvdlibrary.xsl。 转到文本编辑器中的dvdlibrary.xsl文件,然后转到根模板。将以下命令添加到模板中:

<title>Jenna's DVD Collection</title>
<link href="dvdlibrarystyles.css"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<h1>Jenna's DVD Collection</h1>
但我一直收到一个错误,上面写着: cvc elt.1:找不到元素“dvdlibrary”的声明。


Error 1 at line 25:51 : Invalid element <article> within xsl:apply-templates

<xsl:for-each select="characters/character">
        <xsl:value-of select="."/>

你应该把你的问题简化一点。如果您正在尝试完成一个教程,可以寻求帮助,但我们并不需要查看整个教程。理想情况下,我们只需要一个。i、 显示XML、您尝试过的XSLT、您期望的输出以及您得到的输出或错误。CSS在这种情况下并不真正相关。谢谢
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This document contains data about Jenna's DVD library. 

Author: Julia Turek
Date: 6/25/2018

Filename: dvdlibrary.xml
Supporting File: dvdlibrary.xsl

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="dvdlibrary.xsl" ?>

    <dvd isbn="1-4157-4399-0" from="mom" >
        <title>Kung Fu Lizard</title>
        <description>Jo defends his training academy against the evil Mighty Moose, Benny.</description>
        <company>Cloud Nine Productions</company>
            <character>Jo, the Kung Fu Lizard</character>
            <character>Lisa, the Fighting Kricket</character>
            <character>Benny, the Evil Mangler Moose</character>
        <bonus num="2">
            <feature>Kung Fu Academy</feature>
            <feature>Cast Commentary</feature>
            <location>Best DVDs in Town</location>

    <dvd isbn="1-5158-4399-0" from="mom">
        <title>Planet of the Ogres</title>
        <description>Bilbo had always dreamt he was from another planet. Now he finds out that he is. Join him as he meets his destiny to save his homeworld.</description>
            <character>Bilbo, future leader of the Ogres</character>
            <character>Kilnary, leader of the invading Tigres</character>
            <character>Wicket, leader of the Morkian army</character>
        <bonus num="3">
            <feature>Making Of Featurette</feature>
            <feature>Theatre Trailers</feature>
            <feature>PC downloadable version</feature>

    <dvd isbn="1-9955-8745-0" from="mom">
        <title>Mountain King</title>
        <description>Freda is the daughter of the Mountain King. As the only heir, will she break with tradition and be the first Mountain Queen?</description>
        <company>Sunny Entertainment</company>
            <character>Freda, daughter of the Mountain King</character>
            <character>Toru, the Mountain King</character>
            <character>Ella, the Enchanted Advisor</character>
           <character>Bopo, the Monkey Bone Wizard</character>
        <bonus num="2">
            <feature>Cast Commentary</feature>
            <feature>Mountain King Music Video</feature>
            <location>Movies For Everyone</location>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

   Project 5
   Tutorial Project

   DVD Library XSLT Style Sheet
   Author: Julia Turek
   Date:   6/28/18

   Filename: dvdlibrary.xsl

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

   <xsl:output method="html"
      indent="yes" />

   <xsl:template match="/">
            <title>Jenna's DVD Collection</title>
            <link href="dvdlibrarystyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
                <h1>Jenna's DVD Collection</h1>
                <h1>DVD List</h1>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="dvdlibrary/dvd">
                <xsl:sort select="title" />

                <xsl:apply-templates select="dvd">
                        <xsl:for-each select="dvd/title">
                            <xsl:value-of select="title"/>
                        <xsl:for-each select="chracters/character">
                                <xsl:value-of select="character"/>
                            Bonus Features:
                                <xsl:for-each select="bonus/featuress"/>





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Error 1 at line 25:51 : Invalid element <article> within xsl:apply-templates
<xsl:apply-templates select="dvd">
<xsl:for-each select="chracters/character">
        <xsl:value-of select="character"/>
<xsl:for-each select="characters/character">
        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

   <xsl:output method="html"
      indent="yes" />

   <xsl:template match="/">
            <title>Jenna's DVD Collection</title>
            <link href="dvdlibrarystyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
                <h1>Jenna's DVD Collection</h1>
                <h1>DVD List</h1>
                <xsl:apply-templates select="dvdlibrary/dvd">
                <xsl:sort select="title" />

    <xsl:template match="dvd">
                <xsl:value-of select="title"/>
            <xsl:for-each select="characters/character">
                    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
                Bonus Features:
                <xsl:for-each select="bonus/feature">
                        <xsl:value-of select="." />