Html 如何使用颤振邮件包发送复杂的电子邮件

Html 如何使用颤振邮件包发送复杂的电子邮件,html,email,dart,flutter,mailer,Html,Email,Dart,Flutter,Mailer,我可以用Mailer软件包()发送简单的HTML电子邮件。在他们的示例中,“Test\n嘿!这里有一些HTML内容”“作为一个简单的HTML文本工作: final message = new Message() ..from = new Address(username, 'Your name') ..recipients.add('') ..ccRecipients.addAll(['', 'destCc2@e



final message = new Message()
..from = new Address(username, 'Your name')
..ccRecipients.addAll(['', ''])
..bccRecipients.add(new Address(''))
..subject = 'Test Dart Mailer library :: There are 2 aspects to this question.

  • How to set the stripo html.
  • How to adapt an html template. (Modify the content to change parts of the template)
To set the template simply do:

message.html =
'''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
[... copy the complete template here ...]
final message=新消息()
…ccRecipients.addAll(['', ''])


  • 如何设置StripoHTML
  • 如何调整html模板。(修改内容以更改模板的各个部分)

var nameFromSomeInput = 'Jane Doe';
var yourHtmlTemplate = '<html>Dear {{NAME}}</html>';
message.html = yourHtmlTemplate.replaceAll('{{NAME}}', nameFromSomeInput);
