Http 下载带有范围请求的内容会导致损坏

Http 下载带有范围请求的内容会导致损坏,http,go,range-requests,Http,Go,Range Requests,我已经在Github上设置了一个基本项目:。 本质上,这个项目尝试使用HTTP范围请求下载一个文件,组装它,并将其保存回磁盘。我正在努力跟随(暂时不去参加戈罗廷的比赛)。当我尝试使用范围请求下载文件时,在合并所有请求数据后,最终大小大于我将获得的原始大小,并且最终文件已损坏 下面是负责下载该文件的代码 type Manager struct{ limit int } func NewManager(limit int) *Manager{ return &Manager

我已经在Github上设置了一个基本项目:。 本质上,这个项目尝试使用HTTP范围请求下载一个文件,组装它,并将其保存回磁盘。我正在努力跟随(暂时不去参加戈罗廷的比赛)。当我尝试使用范围请求下载文件时,在合并所有请求数据后,最终大小大于我将获得的原始大小,并且最终文件已损坏


type Manager struct{
    limit int

func NewManager(limit int) *Manager{
    return &Manager{
        limit: limit,

func (m *Manager) DownloadBody(url string ) ([]byte ,error){
    // First we need to determine the filesize
    body := make([]byte ,0)
    response , err := http.Head(url) // We perform a Head request to get header information

    if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK{
        return nil ,fmt.Errorf("received code %d",response.StatusCode)
    if err != nil{
        return nil , err

    maxConnections := m.limit // Number of maximum concurrent co routines
    bodySize , _ := strconv.Atoi(response.Header.Get("Content-Length"))
    bufferSize :=(bodySize) / (maxConnections)
    diff := bodySize % maxConnections
    read := 0
    for i:=0;i<maxConnections;i++{
        min := bufferSize * i
        max := bufferSize * (i+1)
        if i==maxConnections-1{
            max+=diff // Check to see if we have any leftover data to retrieve for the last request
        req , _ := http.NewRequest("GET" , url, nil)
        req.Header.Add("Range" ,fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d",min,max))
        res , e := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
        if e != nil{
            return body , e
        log.Printf("Index:%d . Range:bytes=%d-%d",i,min,max)
        data , e :=ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
        if e != nil{
            return body,e
        log.Println("Data for  request: ",len(data))
        read = read + len(data)
        body = append(body, data...)
    log.Println("File size:",bodySize , "Downloaded size:",len(body)," Actual read:",read)
    return body, nil




多亏了@mh cbon,我写了一个简单的测试,帮助我找到了解决方案。这是固定密码

for i:=0;i<maxConnections;i++{
        min := bufferSize * i
        if i != 0{
        max := bufferSize * (i+1)
        if i==maxConnections-1{
            max+=diff // Check to see if we have any leftover data to retrieve for the last request
        req , _ := http.NewRequest("GET" , url, nil)
        req.Header.Add("Range" ,fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d",min,max))
        res , e := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
        if e != nil{
            return body , e
        log.Printf("Index:%d . Range:bytes=%d-%d",i,min,max)
        data , e :=ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
        if e != nil{
            return body,e
        log.Println("Data for  request: ",len(data))
        read = read + len(data)
        body = append(body, data...)


标题的206响应,而不是普通的200响应。服务器不需要满足范围请求。服务器确实会返回一个206。在您的情况下,最好的做法是邀请您编写测试,而不是提供解决方案。请看这篇文章,了解如何在go See中为范围请求提供服务。另外,如果您在编写测试时遇到困难,它可能看起来像@mh cbon感谢您提供这些链接。当我明天有空的时候,我会试着读更多的东西。你可以重写laast语句,如
for i:=0;i<maxConnections;i++{
        min := bufferSize * i
        if i != 0{
        max := bufferSize * (i+1)
        if i==maxConnections-1{
            max+=diff // Check to see if we have any leftover data to retrieve for the last request
        req , _ := http.NewRequest("GET" , url, nil)
        req.Header.Add("Range" ,fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d",min,max))
        res , e := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
        if e != nil{
            return body , e
        log.Printf("Index:%d . Range:bytes=%d-%d",i,min,max)
        data , e :=ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
        if e != nil{
            return body,e
        log.Println("Data for  request: ",len(data))
        read = read + len(data)
        body = append(body, data...)
func TestManager_DownloadBody(t *testing.T) {
    ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

        http.ServeContent(writer,request ,"hey" ,time.Now() ,bytes.NewReader([]byte(`hello world!!!!`)))

    defer ts.Close()

    m := NewManager(4)
    data , err := m.DownloadBody(ts.URL)
    if err != nil{

    if string(data) != "hello world!!!!"{
        t.Errorf("Expected hello world!!!! . received : [%s]",data)