Ibm mobilefirst Worklight 6.1直接更新停滞在99%

Ibm mobilefirst Worklight 6.1直接更新停滞在99%,ibm-mobilefirst,worklight-studio,Ibm Mobilefirst,Worklight Studio,我试图在我的WL6.1项目上使用直接更新,但我所做的一切都不起作用 我试过日食开普勒和朱诺。 我尝试了几个WL6.1版本(补丁),但什么都没有 这里是症状-没有错误日志或任何类似的东西。我看到的唯一一件事是下载消息的速度下降了99% 我怀疑存在配置问题,因为我的团队中有一名成员可以直接进行更新。我们两个都使用Mac进行开发,使用同一台服务器 我拥有的另一个相关信息是,当我在开发环境中,我的意思是,在我的EclipseWLStudio插件/服务器中,我也不能使用直接更新。一旦应用程序启动,它就会显


我试过日食开普勒和朱诺。 我尝试了几个WL6.1版本(补丁),但什么都没有



我拥有的另一个相关信息是,当我在开发环境中,我的意思是,在我的EclipseWLStudio插件/服务器中,我也不能使用直接更新。一旦应用程序启动,它就会显示有关新更新的消息,但只要我单击更新,我就会收到消息:Updated Failed:Failed processing application update file







<Warning>: [INFO] [wl.client] WL.Client.connect onConnectSuccess ENTERING
<Warning>: [DEBUG] [NONE] wlclient connect success
<Error>: HID: The 'Rate Controlled' connection 'PUSHTest' access to protected services is denied.
<Warning>: THREAD WARNING: ['Notification'] took '102.169922' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
<Warning>: [ERROR] [NONE] Update checksum is 3449626805
<Warning>: [ERROR] [NONE] In Progress checksum is 0
<Warning>: [DEBUG] [NONE] Request [https://.../apps/services/api/PUSHTest/iphone/setup]
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 0 to 8388608
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: THREAD WARNING: ['WebResourcesDownloader'] took '18.403076' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: [DEBUG] [NONE] response [https://.../apps/services/api/PUSHTest/iphone/setup] success: 
<Warning>: [DEBUG] [NONE] defaultOptions:onSuccess
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 0
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 15891
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 15891
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1390960
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1455656
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 1466344 to 9854952
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1466344
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 1485118 to 9873726
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485118
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485118

<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485118
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485118
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 1485358 to 9873966
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485358
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485358
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485358
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485358
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 1485362 to 9873970
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 1485362 to 9873970
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 1485362 to 9873970
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Requesting bytes starting from 1485362 to 9873970
<Warning>: Releasing downloadUpdateFileUiWebView
<Warning>: Start downloading update file.
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
<Warning>: Length of update file is: 1485362
:[INFO][wl.client]wl.client.connect onconnect成功进入


修复的原因是Worklight的服务器版本不支持iOS 7。

如果使用新的工作区并将项目导入其中并重试,会发生什么情况?我尝试了一个新项目,一个新的Eclipse安装,几个WL版本,Eclipse Juno和Kepler,所有这些都具有相同的效果。奇怪。也许问题在另一端。是否尝试重新启动设备?重置iOS模拟器?同样的事情。可能与OS X配置有关吗?我的机器中安装了Java1.7和1.8,但Eclipse指向1.7。是否有任何“构建所有脚本”可能会被弄乱?看来您的服务器和eclipse环境是分开的。我会将Fixpack1添加到服务器。