Ibm mq 如何将队列管理器配置设置为';可选';?

Ibm mq 如何将队列管理器配置设置为';可选';?,ibm-mq,Ibm Mq,我正在尝试连接到WebSphere MQ。但是,当我尝试连接到日志时,我看到一条消息: AMQ5540: The WebSphere MQ Client for Java application did not specify the user ID and password Explanation: The queue administrator is configured to request a user ID and password, but these data not spec

我正在尝试连接到WebSphere MQ。但是,当我尝试连接到日志时,我看到一条消息:

AMQ5540: The WebSphere MQ Client for Java application did not specify the user
ID and password


The queue administrator is configured to request a user ID and password,
but these data not specified.


Make sure that the application contains the correct user ID and password,
or change the queue manager configuration to OPTIONAL to allow
Connect to applications that do not specify a user ID and password.

IBM MQ Technote“”介绍了如何解决此问题


您是否使用MQ v8.0及以上版本?如果是,请设置“CHCKCLNT”属性设置为optional将有所帮助。以下是信息中心链接,其中详细介绍了该属性。下面是罗布·帕克(Rob Parker)写的一篇博客的链接,其中详细解释了这一点。