Iis 7 如何在IIS中将多个较旧的应用程序重定向到较新版本的应用程序?

Iis 7 如何在IIS中将多个较旧的应用程序重定向到较新版本的应用程序?,iis-7,url-rewriting,web-config,url-routing,custom-error-handling,Iis 7,Url Rewriting,Web Config,Url Routing,Custom Error Handling,我已经使用通配符检查了这个url重写模块和其他模块。对此有何想法?创建规则以重写或重定向(type=“rewrite”或type=“redirect”)请求: My IIS server has multiple application in single website. Here am planned to turn off(remove) the older application from IIS and redirect to newer version. For example:



My IIS server has multiple application in single website. Here am planned to turn off(remove) the older application from IIS and redirect to newer version. 

For example:

www.mydomain.com/demos/2.0/ (older version)
www.mydomain.com/demos/3.0/ (older version)
www.mydomain.com/demos/3.5/ (older version)
www.mydomain.com/demos/4.0/ (newer version)

<rule name="GoToNewVersion" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="demos/[23]\../" ignoreCase="true" />
    <action type="Rewrite" url="/demos/4.0/" />