Ios GCKMediaControlChannel错误处理

Ios GCKMediaControlChannel错误处理,ios,chromecast,google-cast,Ios,Chromecast,Google Cast,在50%的情况下,当尝试在chromecast设备上流式传输音频/视频时,我会得到mediaControlChannel:requestDidFailWithID:error:方法调用了大约100次,然后才真正开始流式传输 Error Code=4 "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 4.) (事实上,我在电视上看到“蓝色进度线”的时候,似乎一直在


Error Code=4 "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 4.)

在这种情况下,我们应该怎么做?通常,当您收到错误通知时,您应该处理它(即让用户知道某个错误失败),并且由您决定是否重试,但看起来chrome cast会为您决定并自动重试,直到成功。那么,对iOS客户端的期望是什么呢?我们应该忽略这些电话吗





  typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, GCKErrorCode) {

   * Error code indicating a network I/O error.
  GCKErrorCodeNetworkError = 1,

   * Error code indicating that an operation has timed out.
  GCKErrorCodeTimeout = 2,

   * Error code indicating an authentication error.
  GCKErrorCodeDeviceAuthenticationFailure = 3,

   * Error code indicating that an invalid request was made.
  GCKErrorCodeInvalidRequest = 4,

   * Error code indicating that an in-progress request has been cancelled, most likely because
   * another action has preempted it.
  GCKErrorCodeCancelled = 5,

   * Error code indicating that the request was disallowed and could not be completed.
  GCKErrorCodeNotAllowed = 6,

   * Error code indicating that a requested application could not be found.
  GCKErrorCodeApplicationNotFound = 7,

   * Error code indicating that a requested application is not currently running.
  GCKErrorCodeApplicationNotRunning = 8,

   * Error code indicating the app entered the background.
  GCKErrorCodeAppDidEnterBackground = 91,

   * Error code indicating a disconnection occurred during the request.
  GCKErrorCodeDisconnected = 92,

   * Error code indicating that a request could not be made because the same type of request is
   * still in process.
  GCKErrorCodeDuplicateRequest = 93,

   * Error code indicating that a media load failed on the receiver side.
  GCKErrorCodeMediaLoadFailed = 94,

   * Error code indicating that a media media command failed because of the media player state.
  GCKErrorCodeInvalidMediaPlayerState = 95,

   * Error code indicating that the application session ID was not valid.
  GCKErrorCodeInvalidApplicationSessionID = 96,

   * Error code indicating that an unknown, unexpected error has occurred.
  GCKErrorCodeUnknown = 99,