Ios6 ios 7媒体查询环境

Ios6 ios 7媒体查询环境,ios6,media-queries,ios7,landscape,Ios6,Media Queries,Ios7,Landscape,我在IOS7浏览器(safari和chrome)上遇到了一个奇怪的问题 当我在横向时,媒体查询不起作用,宽度/高度(分别从$(窗口).width()和$(窗口).height()给出)是:768/519,而不是通常在ios6 safari和chrome中显示的1024/672 px 在纵向上,它是768/927,这是正确的 是否有其他人发现了该缺陷/怪癖和/或解决方法 *更新* 这是我的标题代码(以及wordpress代码): 您会在HTML中包含此元标记吗 <meta name="vie


给出)是:768/519,而不是通常在ios6 safari和chrome中显示的1024/672 px



*更新* 这是我的标题代码(以及wordpress代码):


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


/* iPad: portrait */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 768/716) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024), screen and (aspect-ratio: 768/1024) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPad: landscape */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 1024/372) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024), screen and (aspect-ratio: 1024/768) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 3.5" screen: portrait */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/220) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480), screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/480) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 3.5" screen: landscape */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 480/114) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480), screen and (aspect-ratio: 480/320) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 4" screen: portrait */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/308) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568), screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/568) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 4" screen: landscape */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 568/114) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568), screen and (aspect-ratio: 568/320) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568) {
    /* styles here */

看到我更新的消息,我想这可能与双视口元有关:/你试着去掉标记了吗?这似乎完全没有必要,因为之前的meta标记中已经设置了宽度。我昨天注意到了它,今天开始工作时做了测试。你是真的,它覆盖了初始比例=1(我不知道这是怎么发生的,我复制了两次视口meta)。。。值得注意!实际上我还需要一个。iOS6与iOS7的对比。显示屏周围的chrome已经改变,iOS7 Safari提供了比iOS6 Safari更多的空间,因此适合iOS7的设计在iOS6上不起作用,但设备是相同的。
/* iPad: portrait */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 768/716) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024), screen and (aspect-ratio: 768/1024) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPad: landscape */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 1024/372) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024), screen and (aspect-ratio: 1024/768) and (device-aspect-ratio: 768/1024) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 3.5" screen: portrait */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/220) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480), screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/480) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 3.5" screen: landscape */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 480/114) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480), screen and (aspect-ratio: 480/320) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/480) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 4" screen: portrait */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/308) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568), screen and (aspect-ratio: 320/568) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568) {
    /* styles here */

/* iPhone 4" screen: landscape */
@media screen and (aspect-ratio: 568/114) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568), screen and (aspect-ratio: 568/320) and (device-aspect-ratio: 320/568) {
    /* styles here */