量角器误差;jasmine spec reporter 2.x与jasmine不兼容<;2.x“;即使安装了Jasmine 2.0

量角器误差;jasmine spec reporter 2.x与jasmine不兼容<;2.x“;即使安装了Jasmine 2.0,jasmine,protractor,jasmine-spec-reporter,Jasmine,Protractor,Jasmine Spec Reporter,在添加jasmine spec reporter之后,我在量角器中遇到了这个错误,尽管我的jasmine核心模块是2.0版 "******************************************************************* * Oops! * * jasmine-spec-reporter 2.x is not compatible with

在添加jasmine spec reporter之后,我在量角器中遇到了这个错误,尽管我的jasmine核心模块是2.0版

* Oops!                                                           *
* jasmine-spec-reporter 2.x is not compatible with jasmine < 2.x. *
*                                                                 *
* Please consider using jasmine-spec-reporter < 2.0.0.            *
*                                                                 *
*      npm install jasmine-spec-reporter@"<2.0.0" --save-dev      *
*jasmine spec reporter 2.x与jasmine<2.x不兼容*
*                                                                 *
*                                                                 *

*npm install jasmine spec reporter@“问题在于gragrator.conf.js中指定的'jasmine'关键字

,framework: 'jasmine'

,framework: 'jasmine2'


exports.config = {
  // Specify you want to use jasmine 2.x as you would with mocha and cucumber.
  framework: 'jasmine2'