随机数文件输出 /** 这个类模拟掷一对骰子10000次和10000次 统计每种不同类型的翻倍卷的次数 双打。 */ 导入java.util.Random//使用随机数生成器 导入java.util.Scanner; 导入java.io.*; 导入org.omg.PortableServer.ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations; 公共类模拟 { 公共静态void main(字符串[]args)引发IOException { 扫描仪键盘=新扫描仪(System.in); final int NUMBER=10000;//掷骰子的次数 //一种用于模拟掷骰子的随机数发生器 随机生成器=新随机(); int die1Value;//第一个模具上的斑点数 int die2Value;//第二个模具上的斑点数 int count=0;//掷骰子的次数 int snakeEyes=0;//蛇眼滚动的次数 int twos=0;//翻滚double two的次数 int threes=0;//滚动双三次次数 int fours=0;//翻滚double fours的次数 int fives=0;//翻滚双五的次数 int-sixes=0;//滚动双六的次数 字符串文件名;//要写入/读取的文件名 int累加器=0; 双平均值=0; int count2=0; 字符串用户输入; //为任务#3添加代码 System.out.println(“请输入文件的特定路径”); filename=keyboard.nextLine(); PrintWriter outputFile=新的PrintWriter(文件名); //循环,而计数小于次数 //按照任务3中的说明调整while循环中的代码 while(计数

随机数文件输出 /** 这个类模拟掷一对骰子10000次和10000次 统计每种不同类型的翻倍卷的次数 双打。 */ 导入java.util.Random//使用随机数生成器 导入java.util.Scanner; 导入java.io.*; 导入org.omg.PortableServer.ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations; 公共类模拟 { 公共静态void main(字符串[]args)引发IOException { 扫描仪键盘=新扫描仪(System.in); final int NUMBER=10000;//掷骰子的次数 //一种用于模拟掷骰子的随机数发生器 随机生成器=新随机(); int die1Value;//第一个模具上的斑点数 int die2Value;//第二个模具上的斑点数 int count=0;//掷骰子的次数 int snakeEyes=0;//蛇眼滚动的次数 int twos=0;//翻滚double two的次数 int threes=0;//滚动双三次次数 int fours=0;//翻滚double fours的次数 int fives=0;//翻滚双五的次数 int-sixes=0;//滚动双六的次数 字符串文件名;//要写入/读取的文件名 int累加器=0; 双平均值=0; int count2=0; 字符串用户输入; //为任务#3添加代码 System.out.println(“请输入文件的特定路径”); filename=keyboard.nextLine(); PrintWriter outputFile=新的PrintWriter(文件名); //循环,而计数小于次数 //按照任务3中的说明调整while循环中的代码 while(计数,java,Java,通过将不同的信息写入该文件 谁说必须打印到循环中的输出文件 您已经在该循环中收集了计数器统计信息(以便在循环后打印)。只需对输出文件执行相同的操作 除此之外:阅读有关数组的内容。当您开始使用变量名(如a1、a2等)时,使用数组通常会使此类代码变得更简单。如果我理解正确,您可能希望在输出文件.close()之前包含此代码。 我还建议您检查您的代码,通过使用方法减少重复代码,并在必要时调用它们。假设您尝试为每个双卷输出代码,只需将打印到文件的代码移出while循环,并使其打印蛇眼、二、三等的最终结果








    This class simulates rolling a pair of dice 10,000 times and
    counts the number of times doubles of are rolled for each different
    pair of doubles.

    import java.util.Random;        //to use the random number generator 
    import java.util.Scanner;

    import java.io.*;

    import org.omg.PortableServer.ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations;

     public class DiceSimulation
     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        final int NUMBER = 10000;   //the number of times to roll the dice

        //a random number generator used in simulating rolling a dice
        Random generator = new Random();

        int die1Value;          // number of spots on the first die
        int die2Value;          // number of spots on the second die
        int count = 0;          // number of times the dice were rolled
        int snakeEyes = 0;      // number of times snake eyes is rolled
        int twos = 0;           // number of times double two is rolled
        int threes = 0;         // number of times double three is rolled
        int fours = 0;          // number of times double four is rolled
        int fives = 0;          // number of times double five is rolled
        int sixes = 0;          // number of times double six is rolled
        String filename;        //name of file to write/read
        int accumulator = 0;
        double mean = 0;
        int count2 = 0;
        String userInput;
        // add code for TASK #3 
        System.out.println("Please enter a specific path to a file");

        filename = keyboard.nextLine();

        PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(filename);

        //loop while count is less than NUMBER of times
        //adjust code in while loop as instructed in TASK #3

        while(count < NUMBER)
            //roll the dice
            die1Value = generator.nextInt(6)+1;
            die2Value = generator.nextInt(6)+1;
            //Check to see if you have doubles
            //Enter code for Task 1 if statements here
            if (die1Value == die2Value);
                if (die1Value == 1){
                    outputFile.println ("Snake eyes occurred a total of " +                snakeEyes + " times");}
                else if(die1Value == 2){
                else if(die1Value == 3){
                else if(die1Value == 4){
                else if(die1Value == 5){
                else if(die1Value == 6){

        }   //while(count < NUMBER) ending braces;

    //add code that closes the output file for TASK #3 here/////////////////

        System.out.println ("Output for while loop");
        System.out.println ("You rolled snake eyes " + snakeEyes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double twos " + twos +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double threes " + threes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double fours " + fours +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double fives " + fives +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double sixes " + sixes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");

        //Enter code for TASK #2 here for do while loop

        System.out.println("Count: " + count);
        } while (count < NUMBER);
        //roll the dice
        die1Value = generator.nextInt(6)+1;
        die2Value = generator.nextInt(6)+1;
        //Check to see if you have doubles
        //Enter code for Task 1 if statements here

        System.out.println ("\nOutput for do while loop\n");
        System.out.println ("You rolled snake eyes " + snakeEyes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double twos " + twos +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double threes " + threes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double fours " + fours +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double fives " + fives +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double sixes " + sixes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
       // Enter code for TASK #2 here for for loop
       for(count = 1; count <= NUMBER; count++)
        System.out.println ("Output for, for loop\n");
        System.out.println ("You rolled snake eyes " + snakeEyes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double twos " + twos +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double threes " + threes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double fours " + fours +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double fives " + fives +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");
        System.out.println ("You rolled double sixes " + sixes +
            " out of " + count + " rolls.");

    // add code for TASK #4 here

//add code that closes the output file for TASK #3 here/////////////////
outputFile.println ("Snake eyes occurred a total of " + snakeEyes + " times");
outputFile.println ("Twos occurred a total of " + twos + " times");
outputFile.println ("Threes occurred a total of " + threes + " times");
outputFile.println ("Fours occurred a total of " + fours + " times");
outputFile.println ("Fives occurred a total of " + fives + " times");
outputFile.println ("Sixes occurred a total of " + sixes + " times");