Java MongoDB-可用于MongoDB的不同ORM工具之间的比较

Java MongoDB-可用于MongoDB的不同ORM工具之间的比较,java,mongodb,orm,Java,Mongodb,Orm,我必须在当前使用MongoDB的项目(基于Java)中集成ORM框架。有谁能让我知道以下可用框架的比较或优点/缺点(如果不是所有框架都可以的话,至少有5个是最好的),这样我就可以决定在我的项目中使用哪一个 1. Morphia. Type-Safe Wrapper with DAO/Datastore abstractions. 2. Spring MongoDB. Provides Spring users with a familiar data access features includ


1. Morphia. Type-Safe Wrapper with DAO/Datastore abstractions.
2. Spring MongoDB. Provides Spring users with a familiar data access features including rich POJO mapping.
3. Morphium. Feature-rich POJO Mapper including features like declarative caching, cluster awareness, validation, partial updates supports aggregation framework.
4. Mungbean (w/clojure support).
5. DataNucleus JPA/JDO. JPA/JDO wrapper
6. lib-mongomapper. JavaBean Mapper (No annotations).
7. MongoJack. Uses jackson (annotations) to map to/from POJOs and has a simple wrapper around DBCollection to simply this.
8. Kundera. JPA compliant ORM. Works with multiple datastores.
9. MongoFS. Enhanced file storage library with support for file compression, encryption, and Zip file expansion. Can be used on top of a GridFS-compatible bucket.
9. Jongo. Query in Java as in mongo shell (using strings), unmarshall results into Java objects (using Jackson)
10. MongoLink. Object Document Mapper (ODM.) Uses a plain java DSL for mapping declaration.
11. Hibernate OGM. Provides Java Persistence support for MongoDB.
12. Morphix. Lightweight, easy-to-use POJO mapper, with object caching and lifecycle methods.



