Java 爪哇在棋盘上丢了我的骰子

Java 爪哇在棋盘上丢了我的骰子,java,swing,jpanel,Java,Swing,Jpanel,我想写一个垄断游戏。下面你会看到我的游戏代码。首先,我做了游戏,我让代币穿过棋盘。然后我加入骰子。我在我的棋盘上看到了骰子。然后我想添加一个掷骰子按钮,当我掷骰子时,我的代币正在移动,但我再也看不到我的骰子了。现在,我仍然看不到我知道的一切,在网上找不到任何东西。有人能帮忙吗?如果您需要我的项目中的任何其他类,只需对其进行注释,我将在一分钟内添加它 public class Game { Player p1; Player p2; int posx = 619; int posy = 619;


public class Game {
Player p1;
Player p2;
int posx = 619;
int posy = 619;
int posx1 = 619;
int posy1 = 619;
int d1;
int d2;
int turn;
Card[] cards;

public Game(JTextArea textArea, JButton btnRollDice) {
    cards = new Card[40];
    p1 = new Player("Onurcan", 1);
    p2 = new Player("Batoç", 2);
    play(textArea, btnRollDice);


public void play(JTextArea textArea, JButton button) {
    Game g = this;
    turn = p1.getPnumber();
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            Dice d = new Dice();
            d1 = d.getDice1();
            d2 = d.getDice2();
            if (turn == p1.getPnumber()) {
                textArea.append(p1.getPname() + "'s dice is " + d.getDice()
                        + "\n");
                Round r = new Round(p1, d, g);
                r.changePosition(p1, d, g);
                textArea.append(p1.getPname() + " welcome to "
                        + g.getCards()[p1.getPosition()].getName() + "\n");
                textArea.append(p1.getPname() + " your balance is "
                        + p1.getBalance() + "\n");
                turn = p2.getPnumber();
            } else if (turn == p2.getPnumber()) {
                textArea.append(p2.getPname() + "'s dice is " + d.getDice()
                        + "\n");
                Round r = new Round(p2, d, g);
                r.changePosition(p2, d, g);
                textArea.append(p2.getPname() + " welcome to "
                        + g.getCards()[p2.getPosition()].getName() + "\n");
                textArea.append(p2.getPname() + " your balance is "
                        + p2.getBalance() + "\n");
                turn = p1.getPnumber();

public class Board extends JPanel {
private ImageIcon image;
private JLabel label;
private JLabel dlabel;
private JLabel dlabel2;

public Board(Game g) {
    image = new ImageIcon("board.jpg");
    label = new JLabel(image);
    label.setSize(700, 700);
    dlabel2 = displayDice(g, g.getD2());
    dlabel2.setSize(50, 50);
    dlabel2.setLocation(351, 350);

    dlabel = displayDice(g, g.getD1());
    dlabel.setSize(50, 50);
    dlabel.setLocation(299, 350);
    g.getP1().getToken().setSize(24, 24);
    g.getP1().getToken().setLocation(g.getPosx(), g.getPosy());
    g.getP2().getToken().setSize(24, 24);
    g.getP2().getToken().setLocation(g.getPosx1(), g.getPosy1());

public JLabel displayDice(Game g, int d) {
    image = new ImageIcon("dice"+d+".jpg");
    dlabel = new JLabel(image);
    return dlabel;





int value=d.roll()
public class Token extends JPanel {
ImageIcon image;
JLabel token;

public Token(int pnumber) {
    if (pnumber == 1) {
        image = new ImageIcon("hat.png");
        token = new JLabel(image);
    if (pnumber == 2) {
        image = new ImageIcon("shoe.jpeg");
        token = new JLabel(image);
public class Dice {
int dice;
int dice1;
int dice2;

public Dice() {
    Random rand = new Random();
    Random rand2 = new Random();
    dice1 = rand.nextInt(6);
    dice2 = rand2.nextInt(6);
    dice = dice1 + dice2;

public int getDice() {
    return dice;

public int getDice1() {
    return dice1;

public int getDice2() {
    return dice2;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class Player {
    String pname;
    int balance;
    int pnumber;
    int position;
    JPanel token;

public Player(String name, int p) {
    pname = name;
    balance = 1500;
    position = 0;
    pnumber = p;
    token = new Token(pnumber);

public JPanel getToken() {
    return token;

public int getBalance() {
    return balance;

public void setBalance(int balance) {
    this.balance = balance;

public int getPosition() {
    return position;

public void setPosition(int position) {
    this.position = position;

public int getPnumber() {
    return pnumber;

public String getPname() {
    return pname;
public class Card {
String name;
int price;
int rent;
int rent1;
int rent2;
int rent3;
int rent4;
int renth;
String colorgroup;

public Card(String n, int p, int r, int r1, int r2, int r3, int r4, int rh, String cg) {
    name = n;
    price = p;
    rent = r;
    rent1 = r1;
    rent2 = r2;
    rent3 = r3;
    rent4 = r4;
    renth = rh;
    colorgroup = cg;

public Card(String n, String cg) {
    name = n;
    colorgroup = cg;

public Card(String n, int p, String cg) {
    name = n; 
    price = p;
    colorgroup = cg;

public Card(String n, int p, int r, int r1, int r2, int r3, String cg) {
    name = n;
    price = p;
    rent = r;
    rent1 = r1;
    rent2 = r2;
    rent3 = r3;
    colorgroup = cg;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public int getPrice() {
    return price;

public int getRent() {
    return rent;

public int getRent1() {
    return rent1;

public int getRent2() {
    return rent2;

public int getRent3() {
    return rent3;

public int getRent4() {
    return rent4;

public int getRenth() {
    return renth;

public String getColorgroup() {
    return colorgroup;