
Java对象和构造函数/方法,java,Java,对我来说,解释我试图让这段代码做什么的最好方法是复制和粘贴我所做的作业 我自己编写了代码,但是我遇到的问题是,两个变量似乎根本没有相加,但当我测试代码时,它仍然有效 我想加起来的两个变量是storePower和strength 创建一个类来表示超级英雄。每个超级英雄都有一个名字。每个超级英雄都有自己的长处,但这应该是可选的。如果超级英雄没有力量,他们的默认力量应该是10 每一位超级英雄都可以获得一次力量提升,通过这种方式,他们的力量会得到一定程度的提升 公众级超级英雄{ //private in







//private instance variables declared below.

//name of the super hero
private String name;
//name of power up variable
private int powerUp;
//name of the strength variable
private int strength;
private int storePower;

Power ups work in a way that if the powerUp is greater then or equal to 10 then add 5 to strength
if the powerUp is greater than  or equal to 5 then add 2 to the strength
if it is less than 5 then add 1 to the strength.

public void powerUp(int powerUp){
this.powerUp = powerUp;
    if(powerUp >= 10){
        storePower = 5;
        strength = storePower + strength;
        //this system out was to test if this bit of code is working.
        System.out.println("Power up is set to 10 or higher!" + " The power is: " + strength);
    }else if(powerUp >= 5){
        storePower = 2;
        strength = storePower + strength;
    }else if (powerUp < 5){
        storePower = 1;
        strength = storePower + strength;
        System.out.println("Something is not right..");


//constructor for if the player wanted to specify the name and the strength
public Superhero(String name, int strength){ = name;
    this.strength = strength;

    System.out.println(name + " " + strength);

//if the user doesn't enter the strength as it is optional
//this constructor below will run and set the default
public Superhero(String name){ = name;
    this.strength = 10 + storePower;
    System.out.println(name + " " + strength );


独眼巨人10 通电设置为10或更高!功率为:5


public void powerUp(int powerUp){
this.powerUp = powerUp;
    if(powerUp >= 10){
        storePower = 5;
          strength  = storePower+powerUp
        //this system out was to test if this bit of code is working.
        System.out.println("Power up is set to 10 or higher!" + " The power is: " + strength  );
    }else if(powerUp >= 5 & powerUp <10){
        storePower = 2;
        strength  =  powerUp+StorePower
 System.out.println("Power up is set to 5 or greater but less than 10!" + " The power is: " + strength  );
    }else if (powerUp < 5){
        storePower = 1;
        Strength  = storePower + powerUp;
 System.out.println("Power up is set to less than 5!" + " The power is: " + strength  );
        System.out.println("Something is not right..");


public void powerUp(int powerUp){
this.powerUp = powerUp;
    if(powerUp >= 10){
        storePower = 5;
          strength  = storePower+powerUp
        //this system out was to test if this bit of code is working.
        System.out.println("Power up is set to 10 or higher!" + " The power is: " + strength  );
    }else if(powerUp >= 5 & powerUp <10){
        storePower = 2;
        strength  =  powerUp+StorePower
 System.out.println("Power up is set to 5 or greater but less than 10!" + " The power is: " + strength  );
    }else if (powerUp < 5){
        storePower = 1;
        Strength  = storePower + powerUp;
 System.out.println("Power up is set to less than 5!" + " The power is: " + strength  );
        System.out.println("Something is not right..");
