尝试访问Java 1.8物理文件时检测到虚拟Java 1.6

尝试访问Java 1.8物理文件时检测到虚拟Java 1.6,java,appv,Java,Appv,我的机器安装了Java 1.8物理应用程序和Java 1.6虚拟应用程序。当启动与Java 1.8相关的快捷方式时,它获取Java 1.6虚拟文件失败 这是我在快捷方式失败时选择“详细信息”选项卡时观察到的代码 此外,当仅安装了物理1.8时,应用程序工作正常,但在同一台计算机上也安装了虚拟1.6时,应用程序会失败 用于启动产品的Java版本。--> ` -诺西特 -干净的 -罗金霍斯特酒店 -罗金波特 5001 -自动填充 真的 -时区 时区 -康

我的机器安装了Java 1.8物理应用程序和Java 1.6虚拟应用程序。当启动与Java 1.8相关的快捷方式时,它获取Java 1.6虚拟文件失败






您的AppV JRE可能正在泄漏。当在排序过程中未捕获AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\deployment中的deployment.properties文件,并且本机JRE开始从该文件读取时,可能会发生这种情况。 提到

您的AppV JRE可能正在泄漏。当在排序过程中未捕获AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\deployment中的deployment.properties文件,并且本机JRE开始从该文件读取时,可能会发生这种情况。 提到

什么是“Java 1.6虚拟应用程序”?Java 1.6是虚拟创建的appv包什么是“Java 1.6虚拟应用程序”?Java 1.6是虚拟创建的appv包
<!-- Java version ranges are listed in preferred order from first to last. --> 
<!-- The client system will be checked for all version ranges, in the listed order. --> 
<!-- If the client system does not have any JVMs installed that match the listed    -->
<!-- version ranges, Webstart will download the newest available version permitted  -->
<!-- by all of the version ranges taken together, regardless of order. -->
<!-- So: when the j2se version is set to "1.7*"... -->
<!--   1) Webstart will first check the client system for Java 1.7.   --> 
<!--      1.7*      = version starts with 1.7           --> 
<!--   2) If a valid update level of Java 1.7 is not found, Webstart will download    -->
<!--      the newest available version permitted by any of the version ranges.        -->
<!--      So, as of this writing, Webstart would download 1.7 update 25 at this step. -->
<!--      As later updates of 1.7 are released, Webstart will download those instead. -->
<!--      It will never download Java 1.8 since the version range does not permit it. -->
<!-- CA Wily has deliberately chosen 1.7.0 as the minimum update level since this  -->
<!-- we assume Java 7 features are available.                   -->
<!-- Users can customize the ranges to allow other update levels at their own risk.   -->
<!-- If you edit the below version range list, be sure to edit the following file as well -->
<!-- to use an identical list: com.wily.introscope.workstation.feature_#.#.#.jsp, located -->
<!-- in the same directory as this file. --> `      
<j2se version="1.7* 1.8*" 
      java-vm-args="-Xms64m -Xmx512m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true" 
<property name="sun.java2d.noddraw" value="true"/>
<!--  <application-desc main-class="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.WebStartMain">-->
  <application-desc main-class="com.ca.apm.introscope.workstation.webstart.launcher.LaunchWrapper">




