Java 忽略变量中的初始化值

Java 忽略变量中的初始化值,java,java.util.scanner,Java,Java.util.scanner,当我运行程序时,控制台将忽略第一个整数输入,而是将0添加到sumOfPositive。例如,在运行程序后,如果输入为:5、6、7,则sumOfPositive将等于13。但是如果我把sumOfPositive的初始值从0改为2,那么sumOfPositive将等于15 那么,我如何忽略sumOfPositive的初始化值,而只处理从输入中捕获的内容呢 我的代码: import java.util.Scanner; public class Assignment2 { public static




import java.util.Scanner;

public class Assignment2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;     

    int sumOfPositive = 0;
    int sumOfOdd = 0;
    int minInt = 0;
    int numberOfInts = 0;
    int eachIntEntered = myScanner.nextInt();

    while (eachIntEntered != 0) {
        // if the number entered is not 0, assign it to numberOfInt

        eachIntEntered = myScanner.nextInt();

        // if the number entered does not equal 0, add one to numberOfInt
        // if the number entered is positive, add the number to sumOfPositive

        if (eachIntEntered > 0 ) {
        sumOfPositive += eachIntEntered;

        // if the number entered is odd, add the number to sumOfOdd

        if (eachIntEntered % 2 != 0) {
            sumOfOdd += eachIntEntered;
        if (eachIntEntered < minInt) {
            minInt = eachIntEntered;

    } // end of while loop

    System.out.println("The minimum integer is " + minInt);
    System.out.println("The sum of the positive integers is " + sumOfPositive);
    System.out.println("The sum of the odd integers is " + sumOfOdd);
    System.out.println("The count of the positive integers in the sequence is " + numberOfInts);

} // end of main function

} // end of class

您将获得两个背对背的输入,但忽略第一个值。在while循环之外,您可以int eachintered=myScanner.nextInt;然后在while循环中执行eaccentered=myScanner.nextInt;在将上一个值添加到sumofopositive或sumOfOdd之前,您会得到忽略输入的第一个值的行为



while (eachIntEntered != 0) {   
        // if the number entered does not equal 0, add one to numberOfInt
        // if the number entered is positive, add the number to sumOfPositive

        if (eachIntEntered > 0 ) {
        sumOfPositive += eachIntEntered;

        // if the number entered is odd, add the number to sumOfOdd

        if (eachIntEntered % 2 != 0) {
            sumOfOdd += eachIntEntered;
        if (eachIntEntered < minInt) {
            minInt = eachIntEntered;
        // if the number entered is not 0, assign it to numberOfInt

        eachIntEntered = myScanner.nextInt();

    } // end of while loop