Java JSF2:如何从SelectOneMenu将值刷新到支持bean中?

Java JSF2:如何从SelectOneMenu将值刷新到支持bean中?,java,ajax,jsf-2,url-parameters,prettyfaces,Java,Ajax,Jsf 2,Url Parameters,Prettyfaces,我使用漂亮的面孔和JSF2 <navigation-rule> <from-view-id>/home.xhtml</from-view-id> <navigation-case> <from-outcome>participant</from-outcome> <to-view-id>/addParticipant.xhtml<



    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />
我有一个选择菜单来选择一个值。 然后,我想通过命令按钮将所选值传递到第二个表单,然后再传递到另一个页面。我不想在URL中看到参数


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />
/*表单,当您更改 选择OneMenu可将值作为参数添加到第二个表单中*/


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />

/*第二种形式是从ajax注入要传递的参数 从下表中的移动事件调用*/


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />



    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />



    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />



    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />



    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />
返回“pretty:participant”;//或只返回“/addParticipant.xhtml”,Prettyfaces将转换为pretty url


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />
无论何时您想要使用标准的visible GET参数,您都会发现这些参数非常有用。使用GET参数需要将它们与GET请求一起发送,因此您的目标页面必须使用


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />



    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />



    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


    /*I use viewparam but if I don't use it it's working too, I clearly don't understand what viewparam is used for  */

          <f:viewParam name="study_name" value="#{home.study_name}" required="true"/>

   /* What is the best way to retrieve information? Then how i load param in a backing bean who this destination page ? */ 
   <h:outputFormat value="Hello,{0},{1},">
                <f:param value="#{home.study_name}" />
                <f:param value="#{param.studynameItem}" />


,因此浏览器中的url不会更改。第二种方法是使用flash scope或类似工具,以某种方式将参数值从一个视图保留到另一个视图?不事实上,我必须让漂亮的面孔失望,并使用类似thaht的action=“addParticipant”,我不知道如何检索参数,是否必须在目标页面中使用#{home.study_name}或#{thenameofstudy}。('home'是发件人页面中的bean)我提出了一个没有漂亮面孔的另一个解决方案,并向其他人提出了与主题相关的上述问题。谢谢.getFlash()抛出一个错误-java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:javax.servlet.http.Cookie.IshtPonly()。。。我从一个登录页面(Spring Security)来到my home.xhtml(会话范围,也许我会改为查看范围,我实际上正在阅读有关范围和如何使用范围的资料),然后我想去addParticipant.xhtml在我的数据库中添加一些东西(请求范围)。这是全局的想法。这取决于您的servlet api版本,您使用的是哪台服务器?此版本可以吗?Mojara是2.2.0。我还没有解决使用flash scope时的错误。在目标页面中使用