
Java—在Try/Catch过程中出现随机“null”,java,Java,我有一个脚本,测试输入的字符的有效性,以便学习Try/Catch。必须以严格的$123.45格式输入数字,否则Try/Catch会打印错误。它需要能够捕获所有整数错误并打印它们。目前,如果输入的一美元和一美分不正确,脚本将正常工作并打印这两个错误。但是,如果在输入美分时仅发现错误,则打印行显示以null开头 工作示例: 输入: 请在表格$中输入销售金额。q退出:12天 打印: 无效的美元格式-用于输入字符串:12d 无效的美分格式-用于输入字符串:de 示例不起作用: 输入: 请在表格$中输入销


工作示例: 输入: 请在表格$中输入销售金额。q退出:12天

打印: 无效的美元格式-用于输入字符串:12d


示例不起作用: 输入: 请在表格$中输入销售金额。q退出:$

打印: Null无效的美分格式-用于输入字符串:de






public DKSaleCheck(String mySale) {    
   myBad = null; 
   //rest of class

public void print(){ 
   if(myBad != null)
   //rest of class


    class DKSaleCheck{ //Begin Class DKSaleCheck

    int myDollar; //Define a new Variable
    int myCent; //Define a new Variable
    String myBad; //Define a new String Variable

    public DKSaleCheck(String mySale) { //Begin Method DKSaleCheck and receive sale as a string
        myBad = null; //Define a new Variable

        if(!mySale.startsWith("$")) { //Begin If Statement (if mySale does NOT start with a "$")
            myBad = "Invalid sale format missing \"$\" - " + mySale + "\n"; //Fill the Variable with the String data
        } //End If Statement

        else if(mySale.indexOf('.') == -1) { //Begin ElseIf Statement (if mySale does NOT contain a ".")
            myBad = "Invalid sale format missing \".\" - " + mySale + "\n"; //Fill the Variable with the String data
        } //End ElseIf Statement

        else{ //Begin Else Statement
            try{ //Begin Try Statement
                myDollar = Integer.parseInt(mySale.substring(1, mySale.indexOf('.'))); //Fill the Variable with the data if ONLY integers are detected from Index 1 to the "."
            } //End Try Statement

            catch(Exception myError) { //Begin Catch Statement (if the subString does not contain ONLY integers)
                myBad = "Invalid dollar format - For input string: \"" + mySale.substring(1,mySale.indexOf('.')) + "\"\n"; //Fill the Variable with the String data
            } //End Catch Statement

            try{ //Begin Try Statement
                myCent = Integer.parseInt(mySale.substring(mySale.indexOf('.') + 1,mySale.length())); //Fill the Variable with the data if ONLY integers are detected after the "."
            } //End Try Statement
            catch(Exception myError) { //Begin Catch Statement (if the subString does not contain ONLY integers)
                myBad += "Invalid cents format - For input string: \"" + mySale.substring(mySale.indexOf('.') + 1,mySale.length()) + "\"\n"; //Fill the Variable with the String data
            } //End Catch Statement
        } //End Else Statement

    } //End Method DKSaleCheck

    public void print(){ //Begin Print Method

        if(myBad != null){ //Begin If Statement (if the error variable is NOT null)
            System.out.println(myBad); //Print the String Variable     
        } //End If Statement

        else{ //Begin Else Statement
            System.out.println("$" + myDollar + "." + myCent); //Print the text
            System.out.println(myDollar + " dollars and " + myCent + " cents\n"); //Print the text
        } //End Else Statement

    } //End Print Method

} //End Class DKSaleCheck
public DKSaleCheck(String mySale) {    
   myBad = null; 
   //rest of class

public void print(){ 
   if(myBad != null)
   //rest of class
public DKSaleCheck(String mySale) {    
   myBad = ""; 
   //rest of class

public void print(){ 
   if(myBad != "")
   //rest of class