Java 构造函数参数传递

Java 构造函数参数传递,java,Java,所有这些-我对Java和OOP都是新手-试图深入了解构造函数…..有人能告诉我为什么下面的构造函数返回0而不是51吗?如果是打字错误,我深表歉意,但我已经看了一段时间了 //Create a ListD class public class ListD { int x; // Create a class attribute // Create a class constructor for the ListD class


      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x
int x;//创建类属性
公共静态void main(字符串[]args){
ListD myObj=new ListD();/*创建MyClass类的对象(此


      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x

      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x
public static void main(String[] args) {
    ListD myObj = new ListD(); // Create an object of class MyClass (This will call the constructor)
    System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x

      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x
此外,您应该有getter和setter来封装x。 同意您应该遵循前面提到的教程

      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x
1) 构造函数没有任何返回类型
2) 构造函数的名称与类名相同

      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x

      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x


public void listD()
public void listD()
public listD()
      //Create a ListD class
      public class ListD {
          int x;  // Create a class attribute

          // Create a class constructor for the ListD class
          public ListD(int x) {
              this.x = x;  // Set the initial value for the class attribute x

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          ListD myObj = new ListD(51); // Create an object of class ListD and pass initial value of 'x' (This will call the constructor)
          System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x