Java 在具有单个线程池的Future内运行

Java 在具有单个线程池的Future内运行,java,scala,akka,threadpool,Java,Scala,Akka,Threadpool,我有一段代码,它使用了带有akka(ActorSystem)的ExecutionContext(EC)构建。这段代码做了一些非常特别的事情:它使用了一个AkkaForkJoinPool,并行度max=1,并执行如下操作: implicit ec = // akka EC backed by AkkaForkJoinPool with parallelism=1 Future{ // (1) // (2) get data from DB which uses a separate Exec


implicit ec = // akka EC backed by AkkaForkJoinPool with parallelism=1

Future{ // (1)
  // (2) get data from DB which uses a separate ExecutionContext for IO
  val data: Future[Data] = getData()

  // (3) use the data{ whatEver }

  // etc ...




  • 如果没有,我就错误地使用了java池。也就是说,有没有办法让这一切顺利进行
  • 如果是,akka如何管理

  • 我使用的是akka 2.3.15、scala 2.11.12和java 8


    for {
      data <- getData()
    } yield whatEver )

    查看akka的代码,我想我找到了它的功能。我不完全确定,但几乎是:akka ActorSystem创建了一个


    再一次,代码太复杂了,我无法确定,我将不做更多的调查。但实际上,akka EC可以包装对父线程的内部映射调用,这与标准(即java)ForkJoinPool不同

    我认为这是来自akka的一个聪明的技巧,而不是一个典型的实现。 BatchingExecutor的文件中说:

     * Mixin trait for an Executor
     * which groups multiple nested `` calls
     * into a single Runnable passed to the original
     * Executor. This can be a useful optimization
     * because it bypasses the original context's task
     * queue and keeps related (nested) code on a single
     * thread which may improve CPU affinity. However,
     * if tasks passed to the Executor are blocking
     * or expensive, this optimization can prevent work-stealing
     * and make performance worse. Also, some ExecutionContext
     * may be fast enough natively that this optimization just
     * adds overhead.
     * The default is already batching
     * or fast enough not to benefit from it; while
     * `fromExecutor` and `fromExecutorService` do NOT add
     * this optimization since they don't know whether the underlying
     * executor will benefit from it.
     * A batching executor can create deadlocks if code does
     * not use `scala.concurrent.blocking` when it should,
     * because tasks created within other tasks will block
     * on the outer task completing.
     * This executor may run tasks in any order, including LIFO order.
     * There are no ordering guarantees.
     * WARNING: The underlying Executor's execute-method must not execute the submitted Runnable
     * in the calling thread synchronously. It must enqueue/handoff the Runnable.

     * Mixin trait for an Executor
     * which groups multiple nested `` calls
     * into a single Runnable passed to the original
     * Executor. This can be a useful optimization
     * because it bypasses the original context's task
     * queue and keeps related (nested) code on a single
     * thread which may improve CPU affinity. However,
     * if tasks passed to the Executor are blocking
     * or expensive, this optimization can prevent work-stealing
     * and make performance worse. Also, some ExecutionContext
     * may be fast enough natively that this optimization just
     * adds overhead.
     * The default is already batching
     * or fast enough not to benefit from it; while
     * `fromExecutor` and `fromExecutorService` do NOT add
     * this optimization since they don't know whether the underlying
     * executor will benefit from it.
     * A batching executor can create deadlocks if code does
     * not use `scala.concurrent.blocking` when it should,
     * because tasks created within other tasks will block
     * on the outer task completing.
     * This executor may run tasks in any order, including LIFO order.
     * There are no ordering guarantees.
     * WARNING: The underlying Executor's execute-method must not execute the submitted Runnable
     * in the calling thread synchronously. It must enqueue/handoff the Runnable.