Java 使用连接到客户端的ObjectInputStream和ObjectOutputStream从客户端读取数据

Java 使用连接到客户端的ObjectInputStream和ObjectOutputStream从客户端读取数据,java,sockets,networking,objectoutputstream,objectinputstream,Java,Sockets,Networking,Objectoutputstream,Objectinputstream,我的代码与下面的代码类似。我遇到的问题是,当ObjectInputStream(输入变量)尝试读取对象时(只有在建立连接后才会发生),它会崩溃并给我一个错误:连接重置 并指具有以下特征的线路: message=(字符串)input.readObject() 它进入ex exception循环,而只有在客户端断开连接时(据我所知),它才应该进入ex exception循环 谢谢大家! 更新:我知道了。我最初尝试了EOFEException,但由于




它进入ex exception循环,而只有在客户端断开连接时(据我所知),它才应该进入ex exception循环



    /** This should handle the connection **/
    public void run() {

        /** The message that the client has sent to the server. **/
        String message = "";

                message = (String) input.readObject(); // Waits for the client to send a message to the server.
            }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfException){
                System.err.println("Unable to read client data. Continuing on with my life.");
            }catch(Exception noConnectionToSocketFound){ // Will get called if the client is no longer in communication with the server.
                System.out.printf("User with handle: %s disconnected.\n", clientIP);
                continueTalking = false; // If the client disconnects, the server will shut down its communication with the client.
                break; // Breaks out of the do...while loop that is constantly waiting for the client to send a message to.

            /** If the client sends the message "DISCONNECT", then the server will shut down all communications with said client. **/
                System.out.println(connection.getLocalAddress() + " disconnected from the session properly.");
                continueTalking = false; // If the client wants to disconnect, then the server will stop trying to communication with said client.
                break; // Breaks out of the do...while loop that is constantly waiting for the client to send a message to.
            else if(message != ""){
                System.out.printf("Got message from %s:\n%s\n", clientIP, message);
                message = ""; // Is needed so that this loop doesn't get called every time after the first message has been sent. Without it, after the word "cheeseburger" is sent, it would continually think that "cheeseburger" is being repeatedly sent (this might not actually happen anymore).
                //TODO Send the message off to be processed.

        }while(continueTalking); // Continues waiting for a message until continueTalking = false

        closeStreams(); // Just some clean up





    /** This should handle the connection **/
    public void run() {

        /** The message that the client has sent to the server. **/
        String message = "";

                message = (String) input.readObject(); // Waits for the client to send a message to the server.
            }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfException){
                System.err.println("Unable to read client data. Continuing on with my life.");
            }catch(Exception noConnectionToSocketFound){ // Will get called if the client is no longer in communication with the server.
                System.out.printf("User with handle: %s disconnected.\n", clientIP);
                continueTalking = false; // If the client disconnects, the server will shut down its communication with the client.
                break; // Breaks out of the do...while loop that is constantly waiting for the client to send a message to.

            /** If the client sends the message "DISCONNECT", then the server will shut down all communications with said client. **/
                System.out.println(connection.getLocalAddress() + " disconnected from the session properly.");
                continueTalking = false; // If the client wants to disconnect, then the server will stop trying to communication with said client.
                break; // Breaks out of the do...while loop that is constantly waiting for the client to send a message to.
            else if(message != ""){
                System.out.printf("Got message from %s:\n%s\n", clientIP, message);
                message = ""; // Is needed so that this loop doesn't get called every time after the first message has been sent. Without it, after the word "cheeseburger" is sent, it would continually think that "cheeseburger" is being repeatedly sent (this might not actually happen anymore).
                //TODO Send the message off to be processed.

        }while(continueTalking); // Continues waiting for a message until continueTalking = false

        closeStreams(); // Just some clean up
continueTalking = false;