Java 如何在ApacheNutch2.x中获取webgraph

Java 如何在ApacheNutch2.x中获取webgraph,java,apache,web-crawler,nutch,Java,Apache,Web Crawler,Nutch,我正在使用ApacheNutch2.3.1对一些网站进行爬网。我必须找到爬网数据的WebGraph,但不幸的是,在这个版本中没有像1.x版那样定义类。有人能给我指点一下吗。 以下是2.3.1版的完整命令行选项(但没有webgraph) 不幸的是,Nutch的2.x分支尚未添加此功能,一般来说,我认为1.x分支具有更多功能,性能更好(尽管这正在改变)。如果您需要继续使用2.x,那么我建议您自己实现该功能,或者将links-indexer插件从1.x迁移到2.x(我相信迁移indexer插件会更容易

我正在使用ApacheNutch2.3.1对一些网站进行爬网。我必须找到爬网数据的WebGraph,但不幸的是,在这个版本中没有像1.x版那样定义类。有人能给我指点一下吗。 以下是2.3.1版的完整命令行选项(但没有webgraph)



Usage: nutch COMMAND
where COMMAND is one of:
 inject     inject new urls into the database
 hostinject     creates or updates an existing host table from a text file
 generate   generate new batches to fetch from crawl db
 fetch      fetch URLs marked during generate
 parse      parse URLs marked during fetch
 updatedb   update web table after parsing
 updatehostdb   update host table after parsing
 readdb     read/dump records from page database
 readhostdb     display entries from the hostDB
 index          run the plugin-based indexer on parsed batches
 elasticindex   run the elasticsearch indexer - DEPRECATED use the index command instead
 solrindex  run the solr indexer on parsed batches - DEPRECATED use the index command instead
 solrdedup  remove duplicates from solr
 solrclean      remove HTTP 301 and 404 documents from solr - DEPRECATED use the clean command instead
 clean          remove HTTP 301 and 404 documents and duplicates from indexing backends configured via plugins
 parsechecker   check the parser for a given url
 indexchecker   check the indexing filters for a given url
 plugin     load a plugin and run one of its classes main()
 nutchserver    run a (local) Nutch server on a user defined port
 webapp         run a local Nutch web application
 junit          runs the given JUnit test
 CLASSNAME  run the class named CLASSNAME