Java HashMap字符串,字符串数组-如何在一个键中获得某个索引? 公共类主{ 最终字符串filename=“stats.txt”; List lines=Files.readAllLines(path.get(filename));//获取文件,将其放入字符串列表数组中。 List playerInfo=new ArrayList(lines.size());//创建新的playerStats ArrayList,字符串 Scanner fs=new Scanner(新文件(文件名));//在Scanner中打开文件。 整数线性装载; 四分之一整数=4; 随机=新随机(); 双随机数; HashMap playerData=新HashMap(); public Main()引发IOException{ 用于(字符串行:行){ String[]lineValues=line.split(“,”); playerInfo.add(Arrays.asList(lineValues)); lineAmount++; } 字符串playerVitals[][]=新字符串[lineAmount][7]; 字符串播放器属性[][]=新字符串[lineAmount][19]; 对于(int i=0;i

Java HashMap字符串,字符串数组-如何在一个键中获得某个索引? 公共类主{ 最终字符串filename=“stats.txt”; List lines=Files.readAllLines(path.get(filename));//获取文件,将其放入字符串列表数组中。 List playerInfo=new ArrayList(lines.size());//创建新的playerStats ArrayList,字符串 Scanner fs=new Scanner(新文件(文件名));//在Scanner中打开文件。 整数线性装载; 四分之一整数=4; 随机=新随机(); 双随机数; HashMap playerData=新HashMap(); public Main()引发IOException{ 用于(字符串行:行){ String[]lineValues=line.split(“,”); playerInfo.add(Arrays.asList(lineValues)); lineAmount++; } 字符串playerVitals[][]=新字符串[lineAmount][7]; 字符串播放器属性[][]=新字符串[lineAmount][19]; 对于(int i=0;i,java,Java,我有这段代码,它能够加载到一个文本(csv)文件中,并将其拆分为一个名为playerInfo的数组。在将其加载到playerInfo中之后,我创建了两个名为playerVitals和playerInfo的2d数组。在把信息放在我想要的地方之后,我创建了一个hashmap,它应该保存所有这些数据。如您所见,hashmap键是一个字符串,hashmap值是一个1d字符串数组。正如你所看到的,在那之后,我试着打印出数据,以在某一点上获得。在本例中,它将位于例如键“James”和索引5处。在我的电子表格




    public class Main{
    final String filename = "stats.txt";
    List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filename)); //gets file, puts it in to listarray of strings.
    List<List<String>> playerInfo = new ArrayList<>(lines.size()); //creates new playerStats arraylist, Strings

    Scanner fs = new Scanner(new File(filename)); //opens file in scanner.
    int lineAmount;
    int quarters = 4;
    Random random = new Random();
    double randomNum;
    HashMap<String, String[]> playerData = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
    public Main() throws IOException {
        for (String line : lines) {
            String[] lineValues = line.split(",");
        String playerVitals[][] = new String[lineAmount][7];
        String playerAttributes[][] = new String[lineAmount][19];
        for (int i = 0; i < lineAmount; i++) {
            playerVitals[i][0] = playerInfo.get(i).get(0); // Last Name
            playerVitals[i][1] = playerInfo.get(i).get(1); // First Name
            playerVitals[i][2] = playerInfo.get(i).get(2); // Position
            playerVitals[i][3] = playerInfo.get(i).get(3); // Secondary Position
            playerVitals[i][4] = playerInfo.get(i).get(4); // Height
            playerVitals[i][5] = playerInfo.get(i).get(5); // Weight
            playerVitals[i][6] = playerInfo.get(i).get(6); // Age

            playerAttributes[i][0] = playerInfo.get(i).get(7); //0 to 3 feet FGA
            playerAttributes[i][1] = playerInfo.get(i).get(8); // 3 to 10 feet FGA
            playerAttributes[i][2] = playerInfo.get(i).get(9); //10 to 16 feet FGA
            playerAttributes[i][3] = playerInfo.get(i).get(10); //16 feet to 3pt FGA
            playerAttributes[i][4] = playerInfo.get(i).get(11); //3pt FGA
            playerAttributes[i][5] = playerInfo.get(i).get(12); //0 to 3 feet FG
            playerAttributes[i][6] = playerInfo.get(i).get(13); //3 to 10 feet FG
            playerAttributes[i][7] = playerInfo.get(i).get(14); //10 to 16 feet FG
            playerAttributes[i][8] = playerInfo.get(i).get(15); //16 to 3pt FG
            playerAttributes[i][9] = playerInfo.get(i).get(16); //3pt FG
            playerAttributes[i][10] = playerInfo.get(i).get(17); //TOV%
            //playerAttributes[i][11] = playerInfo.get(i).get(18); //Athleticism
            //playerAttributes[i][12] = playerInfo.get(i).get(19); //Clutch
            playerAttributes[i][13] = playerInfo.get(i).get(20); //OReb%
            playerAttributes[i][14] = playerInfo.get(i).get(21); //Steal%
            playerAttributes[i][15] = playerInfo.get(i).get(22); //Block%
            playerAttributes[i][16] = playerInfo.get(i).get(23); //DReb%
            playerAttributes[i][17] = playerInfo.get(i).get(24); //Usage Rate
            playerAttributes[i][18] = playerInfo.get(i).get(25); //Overall Rating;

            playerData.put(playerVitals[i][0], new String[] {playerVitals[i][1], playerVitals[i][2], playerVitals[i][3], playerVitals[i][4], playerVitals[i][5], playerVitals[i][6],
                           playerAttributes[i][0], playerAttributes[i][1], playerAttributes[i][2], playerAttributes[i][3], playerAttributes[i][4], playerAttributes[i][5], playerAttributes[i][6], playerAttributes[i][7],
                           playerAttributes[i][8], playerAttributes[i][9], playerAttributes[i][10], playerAttributes[i][11], playerAttributes[i][12], playerAttributes[i][13], playerAttributes[i][14], playerAttributes[i][15],
                           playerAttributes[i][16], playerAttributes[i][17], playerAttributes[i][18]});

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException{
        new Main();

String lastName = playerVitals[0][0]; // For example
String[] onePlayerData = playerData.get(lastName);
String age = onePlayerData[6];

playerVitals[i][6] = playerInfo.get(i).get(6); // Age

String lastName = "James"; // For example
String[] onePlayerVitals = allPlayerVitals.get(lastName);
String age = onePlayerVitals[6];
公共静态最终字符串测试文件\u NAME=“stats.txt”;
公共静态void main(字符串[]args)抛出FileNotFoundException、IOException{
PlayerDataStore playerData=新的PlayerDataStore();
package sample;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

// Renamed from the undescriptive 'Main':

public class PlayerDataStore {
    public static final String TEST_FILE_NAME = "stats.txt";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException {
        PlayerDataStore playerData = new PlayerDataStore();

    // Names of the vitals and attributes.
    // Shifted from comments to usable data.
    // This is useful for displaying the values.

    private static String[] VITAL_NAMES = new String[] {
        "Last Name",
        "First Name",
        "Secondary Position",

    public static final int NUM_VITALS = VITAL_NAMES.length;

    private static String[] ATTR_NAMES = new String[] {
        "0 to 3 feet FGA",
        "3 to 10 feet FGA",
        "10 to 16 feet FGA",
        "16 feet to 3pt FGA",
        "3pt FGA",
        "0 to 3 feet FG",
        "3 to 10 feet FG",
        "10 to 16 feet FG",
        "16 to 3pt FG",
        "3pt FG",
        "Usage Rate",
        "Overall Rating"

    public static final int NUM_ATTRS = ATTR_NAMES.length;


    // Split the storage into separate 'vitals' and 'attributes' storage.
    // Putting both sets of data -- vitals, and attributes -- was a bit messy,
    // and seemed unnecessary.

    private Map<String, String[]> allPlayerVitals;
    private Map<String, String[]> allPlayerAttributes;

    // Moved static code, and other code which was under 'Main', to a descriptive method.

    // Unused values were removed.

    public void load(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        // First load the line data, then process the data into the stores.

        // Note: Storing the line values into 'playerInfo' is not necessary:
        // The line values can be used directly to populate the vitals and
        // attributes.

        List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines( Paths.get(filename) );

        int lineAmount = lines.size();

        List<List<String>> playerInfo = new ArrayList<>(lineAmount);

        for ( String line : lines ) {
            String[] lineValues = line.split(",");
            playerInfo.add( Arrays.asList(lineValues) );

        // Make space for the vitals and attributes ...

        allPlayerVitals = new HashMap<String, String[]>( lineAmount );
        allPlayerAttributes = new HashMap<String, String[]>( lineAmount );

        // Transfer data from the vitals and attributes into storage ...

        for ( List<String> nextInfo : playerInfo ) {
            String playerVitals[] = new String[NUM_VITALS];

            for ( int vitalNo = 0; vitalNo < NUM_VITALS; vitalNo++ ) {
                playerVitals[vitalNo] = nextInfo.get(vitalNo);

            // 'playerVitals[0]' is the players last name, which is currently
            // a unique value.
            // TODO: The uniqueness of the player last name seems overly
            //       optimistic.  A different key value may be needed

            allPlayerVitals.put( playerVitals[0], playerVitals );

            String playerAttributes[] = new String[19];

            for ( int attrNo = 0; attrNo < 19; attrNo++ ) {
                if ( (attrNo == 11) || (attrNo == 12) ) {
                playerAttributes[attrNo] = nextInfo.get(NUM_VITALS + attrNo);

            // Store the attributes using the player last name.

            allPlayerAttributes.put( playerVitals[0], playerAttributes );

    void display() {
        // Display all stored data.

        // Note: The order of entries is random, since it is an iteration across a
        //       hash mapping.

        for ( Map.Entry<String, String[]> vitalsEntry : allPlayerVitals.entrySet() ) {
            String playerLastName = vitalsEntry.getKey();
            String[] playerVitals = vitalsEntry.getValue();

            String[] playerAttributes = allPlayerAttributes.get(playerLastName);

            for ( int vitalNo = 0; vitalNo < playerVitals.length; vitalNo++ ) {
                System.out.println("[ " + vitalNo + " ] " + VITAL_NAMES[vitalNo] + ": " + playerVitals[vitalNo] );

            for ( int attrNo = 0; attrNo < playerAttributes.length; attrNo++ ) {
                if ( (attrNo == 11) || (attrNo == 12) ) {
                System.out.println("[ " + attrNo + " ] " + ATTR_NAMES[attrNo] + ": " + playerAttributes[attrNo] );