Java 如何从句子中的arraylist中获取任何单词首次出现的索引

Java 如何从句子中的arraylist中获取任何单词首次出现的索引,java,android,string,search,arraylist,Java,Android,String,Search,Arraylist,我想从这个句子中得到单词的索引。但在这里我不想检查一个特定的词。我有一个单词列表,我想从这个列表中找到句子中第一个出现的单词的索引。 我想让索引得到句子的子字符串,从结果索引开始 String sentence = "hii rahul ,nice to meet you .How are you?"; ArrayList search = new ArrayList(); search.add("are"); search.add("rahul"); search.add("meet"); f

我想从这个句子中得到单词的索引。但在这里我不想检查一个特定的词。我有一个单词列表,我想从这个列表中找到句子中第一个出现的单词的索引。 我想让索引得到句子的子字符串,从结果索引开始

String sentence = "hii rahul ,nice to meet you .How are you?";
ArrayList search = new ArrayList();
for(int i=0;i<search.size();i++)
  if (sentence.contains(search.get(i))) {
    System.out.println("I found the keyword");
  } else {
    System.out.println("not found");

输入: 你好,拉胡尔,很高兴见到你。你好吗? 搜索词的数组列表:[满足,是,rahul]

预期产出: 索引为4,因为rahul在句子中排在第一位



Integer lowestIndex = null;
for(String searchWord : search) {  
    int index = sentence.indexOf(searchWord);
    // update the result if the searchWord occurs at a lower position
    if (index >= 0 && (lowestIndex == null || lowestIndex > index)) {
            lowestIndex = index;
if (lowestIndex == null) {
    System.out.println("None of the keywords were found");
else {
    System.out.printf("First keyword at %s%n", lowestIndex);


int firstIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for(String word : search) {
  int foundIndex = sentence.indexOf(word);
  if(foundIndex != -1 && foundIndex < firstIndex){
    firstIndex = foundIndex;

if(firstIndex != Integer.MAX_VALUE){
  System.out.println("Found index is: " + firstIndex);
} else{
  System.out.println("None of the words were found in the sentence.");


List<String> keywords = Arrays.asList("meet","are","rahul");
String pattern ="|", "(", ")"));

正则表达式搜索速度较慢,但可以添加单词边界\\bmeet | are | rahul,以便找不到软件。或者进行不区分大小写的搜索。



        String search = "Doctor Smith went gardening and then went to the cinema on Tuesday";
        List<String> words = Arrays.asList("then", "to", "went");

Rahul的指数5如何?此外,在您的代码中,您使用字符串“hey rahul,你好吗?”在输入示例中,您给出了“hii rahul,很高兴认识您。你好吗?”也要澄清这一点。我认为OP意味着索引应该是4,rahul在字符串hey rahul中的起始位置。。。。OP可能从1开始计数,而不是从0开始……因此OP基本上希望在搜索词的字符串中找到最先出现的起始位置。如果不输出索引,为什么期望索引作为输出?只有在找到或未找到搜索词时才输出。如果要匹配整个单词,可能无法使用包含。例如,如果你的句子是医生去商店,而searfch的一个术语是to,那么它会在Doctorsoftware这个词中选择to?那是哪里?@AdriaanKoster在搜索时也会找到are软件。
        String search = "Doctor Smith went gardening and then went to the cinema on Tuesday";
        List<String> words = Arrays.asList("then", "to", "went");
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class FindWord {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String search = "Doctor Smith went gardening then went to the cinema on Tuesday";
        List<String> words = Arrays.asList("then", "to", "went");

        int index = 0;
        int result = -1;
        String match = null;

        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(search, " ", true);

        while(result < 0 && tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
            String next = tokenizer.nextToken();

            if(words.contains(next)) {
                result = index;
                match = next;
            } else {
                index += next.length();

        if(match == null) {
            System.out.println("Not found.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Found '" + match + "' at index: " + result);