Java 游戏框架中的咖啡因缓存不';t返回缓存的响应

Java 游戏框架中的咖啡因缓存不';t返回缓存的响应,java,caching,playframework,caffeine,caffeine-cache,Java,Caching,Playframework,Caffeine,Caffeine Cache,我在java Play Framework作业中使用咖啡因缓存实现来缓存传出的http请求,我发现,尽管缓存已启动并正在运行,但我的服务仍会每次命中外部服务器,而不是从缓存返回值。 我看到日志中记录的密钥总是相同的 因此,我看到未设置freshnesslifest,因此这可能意味着缓存立即过期。但我仍然不知道如何在配置中设置它 我没有更改我的java代码,如果需要,我找不到任何示例,或者我只需要为所有传出请求提供缓存配置。 我将非常感谢您的帮助 我的build.sbt包含: libraryDep

我在java Play Framework作业中使用咖啡因缓存实现来缓存传出的http请求,我发现,尽管缓存已启动并正在运行,但我的服务仍会每次命中外部服务器,而不是从缓存返回值。 我看到日志中记录的密钥总是相同的





libraryDependencies += ws
libraryDependencies += caffeine
# Configuration settings for JSR 107 Cache for Play WS. {
  enabled = true
  heuristics.enabled = false
  name = "play-ws-cache"
# source
caffeine.jcache {
  # A named cache is configured by nesting a new definition under the caffeine.jcache namespace. The
  # per-cache configuration is overlaid on top of the default configuration.
  play-ws-cache {
    read-through {
      # If enabled, the entry is loaded automatically on a cache miss
      enabled = true
    # The eviction policy for automatically removing entries from the cache
    policy {
      # The expiration threshold before lazily evicting an entry. This single threshold is reset on
      # every operation where a duration is specified. As expected by the specification, if an entry
      # expires but is not accessed and no resource constraints force eviction, then the expired
      # entry remains in place.
      lazy-expiration {
        # The duration before a read of an entry is considered expired. If set to 0 then the entry
        # is considered immediately expired. May be a time duration, null to indicate no change, or
        # "eternal" to indicate no expiration.
        access = 5m
      # The expiration thresholds before eagerly evicting an entry. These settings correspond to the
      # expiration supported natively by Caffeine where expired entries are collected during
      # maintenance operations.
      eager-expiration {
        # Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed
        # duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value,
        # or its last read. Access time is reset by all cache read and write operation. This setting
        # cannot be combined with the variable configuration.
        after-access = 5m
      # The maximum bounding of the cache based upon its logical size
      maximum {
        # The maximum number of entries that can be held by the cache. This setting cannot be
        # combined with the weight configuration.
        size = 10000

libraryDependencies += ws
libraryDependencies += caffeine
# Configuration settings for JSR 107 Cache for Play WS. {
  enabled = true
  heuristics.enabled = false
  name = "play-ws-cache"
# source
caffeine.jcache {
  # A named cache is configured by nesting a new definition under the caffeine.jcache namespace. The
  # per-cache configuration is overlaid on top of the default configuration.
  play-ws-cache {
    read-through {
      # If enabled, the entry is loaded automatically on a cache miss
      enabled = true
    # The eviction policy for automatically removing entries from the cache
    policy {
      # The expiration threshold before lazily evicting an entry. This single threshold is reset on
      # every operation where a duration is specified. As expected by the specification, if an entry
      # expires but is not accessed and no resource constraints force eviction, then the expired
      # entry remains in place.
      lazy-expiration {
        # The duration before a read of an entry is considered expired. If set to 0 then the entry
        # is considered immediately expired. May be a time duration, null to indicate no change, or
        # "eternal" to indicate no expiration.
        access = 5m
      # The expiration thresholds before eagerly evicting an entry. These settings correspond to the
      # expiration supported natively by Caffeine where expired entries are collected during
      # maintenance operations.
      eager-expiration {
        # Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed
        # duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value,
        # or its last read. Access time is reset by all cache read and write operation. This setting
        # cannot be combined with the variable configuration.
        after-access = 5m
      # The maximum bounding of the cache based upon its logical size
      maximum {
        # The maximum number of entries that can be held by the cache. This setting cannot be
        # combined with the weight configuration.
        size = 10000

libraryDependencies += ws
libraryDependencies += caffeine
# Configuration settings for JSR 107 Cache for Play WS. {
  enabled = true
  heuristics.enabled = false
  name = "play-ws-cache"
# source
caffeine.jcache {
  # A named cache is configured by nesting a new definition under the caffeine.jcache namespace. The
  # per-cache configuration is overlaid on top of the default configuration.
  play-ws-cache {
    read-through {
      # If enabled, the entry is loaded automatically on a cache miss
      enabled = true
    # The eviction policy for automatically removing entries from the cache
    policy {
      # The expiration threshold before lazily evicting an entry. This single threshold is reset on
      # every operation where a duration is specified. As expected by the specification, if an entry
      # expires but is not accessed and no resource constraints force eviction, then the expired
      # entry remains in place.
      lazy-expiration {
        # The duration before a read of an entry is considered expired. If set to 0 then the entry
        # is considered immediately expired. May be a time duration, null to indicate no change, or
        # "eternal" to indicate no expiration.
        access = 5m
      # The expiration thresholds before eagerly evicting an entry. These settings correspond to the
      # expiration supported natively by Caffeine where expired entries are collected during
      # maintenance operations.
      eager-expiration {
        # Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed
        # duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value,
        # or its last read. Access time is reset by all cache read and write operation. This setting
        # cannot be combined with the variable configuration.
        after-access = 5m
      # The maximum bounding of the cache based upon its logical size
      maximum {
        # The maximum number of entries that can be held by the cache. This setting cannot be
        # combined with the weight configuration.
        size = 10000

[调试]-restclient.BaseRestClient-使用url执行GET http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732 [跟踪]- p、 a.l.w.a.c.CachingAsyncHttpClient-执行:请求=请求(获取 http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732),handler= AsyncHandler($ResponseAsyncCompletionHandler@65b0b233), future=null[debug] 得到http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732 [调试]-p.a.l.w.a.c.CachingAsyncHttpClient-执行GET http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732: 结果= 列表(ResponseEntry)缓存响应(status= CachableHttpResponseStatus(代码=200,文本=OK),标题= DefaultHttpHeaders[参考者策略:跨来源时的来源, 严格原点交叉原点时,X帧选项:拒绝, X-XSS-Protection:1;模式=块,X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff, X-允许-跨域-策略:仅主策略,日期:2020年10月1日星期四 17:44:08 GMT,内容类型:application/json,内容长度:2144], 车身零件尺寸= 1) ,GET,Map(),一些(2020-10-02T10:44:08.760450-07:00[美国/洛杉矶]) [跟踪]-c.t.c.响应选择计算器-查找匹配响应: 请求= 缓存请求(http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,GET,TreeMap()), 回应= 列表(存储响应)(http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,200,树形图(日期) ->列表(周四,2020年10月1日17:44:08 GMT),内容类型->列表(应用程序/json),内容长度->列表(2144),推荐人策略 ->列表(交叉原点时原点,交叉原点时严格原点),X-Frame-Options->List(拒绝),X-XSS-Protection->List(1; 模式=块),X-Content-Type-Options->List(nosniff), X-allowed-Cross-Domain-Policies->List(仅限主服务器)),GET,Map()) [调试]-p.a.l.w.a.c.CachingAsyncHttpClient-执行GET http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732: 从缓存中选择: ResponseEntry(可缓存响应(状态= CachableHttpResponseStatus(代码=200,文本=OK),标题= DefaultHttpHeaders[参考者策略:跨来源时的来源, 严格原点交叉原点时,X帧选项:拒绝, X-XSS-Protection:1;模式=块,X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff, X-允许-跨域-策略:仅主策略,日期:2020年10月1日星期四 17:44:08 GMT,内容类型:application/json,内容长度:2144], 车身零件尺寸= 1) ,GET,Map(),一些(2020-10-02T10:44:08.760450-07:00[美国/洛杉矶]) [trace]-c.t.c.CurrentAgeClulator-CalculateUrrentage(标题: 树状图(日期->列表(周四,2020年10月1日17:44:08 GMT),内容类型-> 列表(应用程序/json)、内容长度->列表(2144)、推荐人策略 ->列表(交叉原点时原点,交叉原点时严格原点),X-Frame-Options->List(拒绝),X-XSS-Protection->List(1; 模式=块),X-Content-Type-Options->List(nosniff), X-Allowed-Cross-Domain-Policys->List(仅限主服务器)),现在: 2020-10-01T17:44:38.690992Z[GMT],请求时间: 2020-10-01T17:44:38.690274Z[GMT],响应时间: 2020-10-01T17:44:38.690981Z[GMT])[trace]-c.t.c.currentagecoculator

  • calculateCurrentAge:currentAge=PT30S[debug]-c.t.c.ResponseServingCalculator-服务器响应:找到的响应 “得到http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,年龄=30[跟踪]- c、 t.c.ResponseServingCalculator-noCacheFound:请求= 缓存请求(http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,GET,TreeMap()), 回应= 存储响应(http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,200,树形图(日期) ->列表(周四,2020年10月1日17:44:08 GMT),内容类型->列表(应用程序/json),内容长度->列表(2144),推荐人策略 ->列表(交叉原点时原点,交叉原点时严格原点),X-Frame-Options->List(拒绝),X-XSS-Protection->List(1; 模式=块),X-Content-Type-Options->List(nosniff), X-allowed-Cross-Domain-Policies->List(仅限主服务器)),GET,Map() [trace]-c.t.c.响应存储计算器-isCachedResponseFresh: 请求= 缓存请求(http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,GET,TreeMap()), 回应= 存储响应(http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,200,树形图(日期) ->列表(周四,2020年10月1日17:44:08 GMT),内容类型->列表(应用程序/json),内容长度->列表(2144),推荐人策略 ->列表(交叉原点时原点,交叉原点时严格原点),X-Frame-Options->List(拒绝),X-XSS-Protection->List(1; 模式=块),X-Content-Type-Options->List(nosniff), X-allowed-Cross-Domain-Policies->List(仅限主服务器)),GET,Map() [跟踪]-c.t.c.新鲜度计算器-计算新鲜度寿命: [调试]-c.t.c.FreshnessCalculator-calculateFreshnessLifetime: freshnessLifetime=无[debug]-c.t.c.Freshness计算器- calculateFreshnessLifetime:result=PT0S[debug]- c、 t.c.响应服务计算器-isCachedResponseFresh: freshnessLifetime=PT0S,currentAge=PT30S[调试]- c、 t.c.响应服务计算器-isCachedResponseFresh: freshnessLifetime=PT0S,currentAge=PT30S[跟踪]- c、 t.c.责任服务计算器-ISStalleResponseProhibited:请求= 缓存请求(http://localhost:9001/entities/v2/867386732,GET,TreeMap()), 回应= 仓库响应