Java IText图像集绝对位置

Java IText图像集绝对位置,java,android,itext,Java,Android,Itext,我需要使用iText库在PDF中定位图像,位置与下面Adobe Acrobat截图中显示的位置完全相同。我需要向图像集绝对位置传递什么值,如下所示: Image image = Image.getInstance(stream.toByteArray()); image.scaleAbsolute(150f, 150f); image.setAbsolutePosition(???f, ???f); PdfContentByte

我需要使用iText库在PDF中定位图像,位置与下面Adobe Acrobat截图中显示的位置完全相同。我需要向图像集绝对位置传递什么值,如下所示:

        Image image = Image.getInstance(stream.toByteArray());
        image.scaleAbsolute(150f, 150f);
        image.setAbsolutePosition(???f, ???f);

        PdfContentByte overContent = stamper.getOverContent(1);



使用Reed Design的表格,该表格列出从点到像素的转换 至Em至%。这是一个近似值,取决于字体和浏览器 和操作系统,但这是一个很好的起点


     * Adds an image to the PDF
     * @param imageData The data for the image to add
     * @param page The page number of where to add the photo
     * @param xPos The x coordinate of where to put the image. Note that 0 is the left of the page
     * @param yPos The y coordinate of where to put the image. Note that 0 is the top of the page. This is
     * different than the addText function for some reason.
     * @param layer
     * @throws Exception If there was an error adding the image to the PDF
    public void addImageToPDF(float xPos, float yPos, byte[] imageData, int page,  Layer layer) throws Exception
        PdfContentByte content = getPdfContentByte(page, layer);
        Image img = Image.getInstance(imageData);
        img.setAbsolutePosition(xPos, yPos);

     * Gets a PdfContentByte. This is used to make changes to the PDF
     * @param page The page number that is to be modified
     * @param layer The layer that is to be modified
     * @return A PdfContentByte that can be used to modify the PDF
    private PdfContentByte getPdfContentByte(int page, Layer layer)
        return layer == Layer.OVER ? stamper.getOverContent(page) : stamper.getUnderContent(page);

     * Represents a layer of the PDF relative to the original file. For example,
     * if an operation requires a Layer argument, OVER will make the changes ontop
     * of the original PDF. UNDER will make the changes under the original PDF. So
     * if there is text in the original PDF and you choose UNDER, the changes you make
     * may be covered up by the original text. If you choose OVER, you changes will be
     * ontop of whatever was in the original PDF
    public enum Layer{
         * Represents ontop of the original PDF

         * Represents under the original PDF
