
在java中,在具有相同值的另一个节点之前插入一个节点,java,data-structures,linked-list,nodes,Java,Data Structures,Linked List,Nodes,我试图递归地在链表中的给定值之前插入一个节点。我可以在列表中间的任何地方添加这个值,但是我很难在列表的开头添加一个节点。以下是我目前的代码: /** insertValueBeforeEveryX * * Preconditions: list may be empty, X and Value are not equal * * insert a new node containing Value before every node containing X *


/** insertValueBeforeEveryX
 *  Preconditions:  list may be empty,   X and Value are not equal
 *  insert a new node containing  Value  before every node containing X
 *  you can write this iteratively or recursively,  but you should only have one loop or recursive helper
 *  you may not call any other method (e.g.  size  )

 *   { }.insertValueBeforeEveryX(9,2)           -->  { }                // initial list was empty
 *   { 1 1 1 1 }.insertValueBeforeEveryX(9,2)   -->  { 1 1 1 1  }       // 0 occurrences of '2'
 *   { 2 }.insertValueBeforeEveryX(9,2)         -->  { 9 2}             // 1 occurrence of '2'
 *   { 1 2 3 2 }.insertValueBeforeEveryX(9,2)   -->  { 1 9 2 3 9 2}     // 2 occurrences of '2'
public void insertValueBeforeEveryX (int value, int X ) {
    insertValueBeforeEveryXHelper(first, value, X, null);

private void insertValueBeforeEveryXHelper(Node x, int val, int check, Node prev)  {
    if(x == null) return;

    if(x.item == check && prev == null) {
        prev = new Node(val, x);
    } else {
        if(x.item == check && prev != null) {
            prev.next = new Node(val, x);
    insertValueBeforeEveryXHelper(x.next, val, check, x);
输出: 成功{}.InsertValueBeforeVeryx1,99:结果:{} 失败{99}。InsertValueBeforeVeryx1,99:应为{1 99}实际{99} 成功{88}.InsertValueBeforeVeryx1,99:结果:{88} 失败{99 10}。InsertValueBeforeVeryx1,99:应为{1 99 10}实际{99 10} 成功{10 99}.InsertValueBeforeVeryx1,99:结果:{10 1 99} 失败{99 10 99}。InsertValueBeforeVeryx1,99:应为{1 99 10 1 99}实际{99 10 1 99} 成功{5 99 6 99 99 7}。InsertValueBeforeVeryx1,99:结果:{5 1 99 6 1 99 1 99 7}




   // [...]

private void insertValueBeforeEveryXHelper(Node x, int val, int check, Node prev)  {
    if(x == null) return;

    if(x.item == check && prev == null) {
        prev = new Node(val, x);
        first = prev;
    } else {
        // [...]