Java输入/输出MyProgrammingLab 21212

Java输入/输出MyProgrammingLab 21212,java,Java,我试图解决MyProgrammingLab中的一个问题,其中我必须使用名为input的scanner变量和名为total的整型变量来接受input中的所有整数值,并将它们放入total中。程序建议使用while循环;但是,我不知道会出现什么情况,因为扫描仪绑定到(而不是文件,所以它接受随机用户输入,而不是预定义的字符串。有人能提供建议吗?以下是我尝试使用的当前代码: int number = 0; while (input.hasNext()) { number


int number = 0;

while (input.hasNext())
      number = input.nextInt();
      total = number;

我尝试更改为input.hasNextLine,因为有两个人认为这可能是一个EOF REACH错误,但我仍然得到了一个编译器错误。

I am trying to solve a problem in MyProgrammingLab in which I must use a scanner variable named input, 
and an integer variable named total, to accept all the integer values in input, and put them into total. 
The program recommends a while loop;

private static Scanner input; //Collect user numbers
private static int total = 0; // to display total at end
private static int number = 0; // Variable to hold user number
private static boolean loopCheck = true; // Condition for running

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Main loop
    while(loopCheck) {
        input = new Scanner(; // Setting up Scanner variable

        // Information for user
        System.out.println("Enter 0 to finish and display total");
        System.out.println("Enter an Integer now: ");

        number = input.nextInt(); // This sets the input as a variable (so you can work with the information)
        total += number; // total = (total + number); Continually adds up.

        // When user inputs 0, changes boolean to false, stops the loop
        if(number == 0) {
            loopCheck = false;

    //Displays this when 0 is entered and exits loop
    System.out.println("Your total is: " + total); // Displays the total here
    System.out.println("Program completed");
