Javascript 将数据从函数传递到日期函数(让日期=新日期(“值”))

Javascript 将数据从函数传递到日期函数(让日期=新日期(“值”)),javascript,reddit,Javascript,Reddit,我试图解决这个Reddit每日编程挑战,但我无法克服这个障碍。挑战的任务是: 程序应该有三个参数。第一个是一天,第二个是月,第三个是年。 然后,您的程序应该计算该日期将出现在一周中的哪一天 所以我已经找到了一个解决工作日问题的函数。任务是,创建一个包含3个参数的程序。所以我需要将一些值传递到新的日期变量中,如下所示:1987年12月25日 我创建了一个包含3个参数的函数:月、日、年。我还找到了如何以正确的格式存储这些值,以便与新的日期变量一起使用 唯一的问题是,我不知道如何将findOutDat


程序应该有三个参数。第一个是一天,第二个是月,第三个是年。 然后,您的程序应该计算该日期将出现在一周中的哪一天





// The program should take three arguments. The first will be a day, the second will be month, 
// and the third will be year. 
// Then, your program should compute the day of the week that date will fall on.

 * Function takes in a Date object and returns the day of the week in a text format.
function getWeekDay(date) {
  // Create an array containing each day, starting with Sunday.
  const weekdays = [

  // Use the getDay() method to get the day.
  const day = date.getDay();

  // Return the element that corresponds to that index.
  return weekdays[day];

// The function that takes 3 arguments and stores them in a variable
function findOutDate(month, day, year) {
  // console.log(month + " " + day + ", " + year);
  let date = month + " " + day + ", " + year

// Finding out what day a specific date fell on.
let date = new Date('December 25, 1987');
let weekDay = getWeekDay(date);
console.log('Christmas Day in 1987 fell on a ' + weekDay);


function findOutDate(month, day, year) {
    // console.log(month + " " + day + ", " + year);
    let date = month + " " + day + ", " + year
    return date //return the date string

//Finding out what day a specific date fell on.
let date = new Date(findOutDate()); //call the function returning the date string
let weekDay = getWeekDay(date);