Javascript 使用Jquery更新函数REST

Javascript 使用Jquery更新函数REST,javascript,jquery,ajax,rest,Javascript,Jquery,Ajax,Rest,学习了很多关于如何使用REST的知识,目前我能够创建和删除项目,但无法使更新功能正常工作。我尝试了这么多组合,但不断收到400个错误请求,指出data.d.\uu metadata.etag无效 这是导致故障的代码: // Saves a incident. If there is no value in the #Incident_ID hidden field then // a new incident is created by "POST" request. Otherwise an

data.d.\uu metadata.etag


// Saves a incident. If there is no value in the #Incident_ID hidden field then
// a new incident is created by "POST" request. Otherwise an existing incident
// is updated with "PUT" request.
saveIncident: function (data) {
    var requestType = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? 'PUT' : 'POST';
    var CREATE_Headers = {"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"};
    var UPDATE_Headers = {"accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose","X-HTTP-Method":"MERGE","If-Match" : "data.d.__metadata.etag"};
    var headertype = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? UPDATE_Headers : CREATE_Headers;

        url: data.d.__metadata.etag,
        type: requestType,
        processData: false,
        contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
        headers: headertype,
        data: JSON.stringify(IncidentManager.collectFieldValues()),
        success: function (data) {
        console.log("These are the resulsts "+data.d);
“If Match”:“data.d.\uu metadata.type”



var IncidentManager = {
    // Returns the url of the application server of a demo web app.
    basePath: function () { return '../../../../_vti_bin/listData.svc'; },

    // Formats a URI of a product
    createIncidentUrl: function (requestType) {
        if (requestType == 'POST')
            return this.basePath() + '/GDI_PROD_Incidents';
        return this.basePath() + '/GDI_PROD_Incidents('+ encodeURIComponent($('#Incident_ID').val())+')';
    // Creates an object with the properties retrievd from the input fields 
    // of the "ProductDetails" form.
    collectFieldValues: function () {
        return {
            Description: $('#Description').val(),
            Incident: $('#Incident').val(),
            ÉtatValue: $('#état').val(),
            PrioritéValue: $('#Priorité').val(),
            Duré: $('#Duré').val(),
            Date_de_début:  $('#DateDeDébut').val(),
            Date_de_fin:  $('#DateDeFin').val(),
            Autres_Groupe_Support_Prime: $('#Autres_Groupe_Support_Prime').val(),
            ResponsableValue: $('#Prime').val(),
            Impact: $('#Impact').val(),
            Temps_Consacré: $('#Temps_Consacré').val(),
            Type_de_tempsValue: $('#Type_de_temps').val(),
            Journal_des_actions: $('#Journal_des_actions').val(),
            Dépanage: $('#Dépannage_effectué').val(),
            Suivi: $('#Suivi').val(),
            Ressources: $('#Ressources').val()
    // Saves a incident. If there is no value in the #Incident_ID hidden field then
    // a new incident is created by "POST" request. Otherwise an existing incident
    // is updated with "PUT" request.
    saveIncident: function (data) {
        var requestType = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? 'PUT' : 'POST';
        var CREATE_Headers = {"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"};
        var UPDATE_Headers = {"accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose","X-HTTP-Method":"MERGE","If-Match" : "data.d.__metadata.etag"};
        var headertype = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? UPDATE_Headers : CREATE_Headers;

            url: data.d.__metadata.etag,
            type: requestType,
            processData: false,
            contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
            headers: headertype,
            data: JSON.stringify(IncidentManager.collectFieldValues()),
            success: function (data) {
            console.log("These are the resulsts "+data.d);



var UPDATE_Headers = {"accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose","X-HTTP-Method":"MERGE","If-Match" : "data.d.__metadata.etag"};

var UPDATE_Headers = {"accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose","X-HTTP-Method":"MERGE","If-Match" : "*"};


var IncidentManager = {
    // Returns the url of the application server of a demo web app.
    basePath: function () { return '../../../../_vti_bin/listData.svc'; },

    // Creates an object with the properties retrievd from the input fields 
    // of the "ProductDetails" form.
    collectFieldValues: function () {
        return {
            Description: $('#Description').val(),
            Incident: $('#Incident').val(),
            ÉtatValue: $('#état').val(),
            PrioritéValue: $('#Priorité').val(),
            Duré: $('#Duré').val(),
            Date_de_début:  $('#DateDeDébut').val(),
            Date_de_fin:  $('#DateDeFin').val(),
            Autres_Groupe_Support_Prime: $('#Autres_Groupe_Support_Prime').val(),
            ResponsableValue: $('#Prime').val(),
            Impact: $('#Impact').val(),
            Temps_Consacré: $('#Temps_Consacré').val(),
            Type_de_tempsValue: $('#Type_de_temps').val(),
            Journal_des_actions: $('#Journal_des_actions').val(),
            Dépanage: $('#Dépannage_effectué').val(),
            Suivi: $('#Suivi').val(),
            Ressources: $('#Ressources').val()
    // Saves a incident. If there is no value in the #Incident_ID hidden field then
    // a new incident is created by "POST" request. Otherwise an existing incident
    // is updated with "PUT" request.
    saveIncident: function (data) {

        var New_Incident_URL = this.basePath() + '/GDI_PROD_Incidents';
        var UPDATE_Incident_URL = this.basePath() + '/GDI_PROD_Incidents('+ encodeURIComponent($('#Incident_ID').val())+')';
        var createIncidentUrl = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? UPDATE_Incident_URL : New_Incident_URL;

        var CREATE_Headers = {"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"};
        var UPDATE_Headers = {"accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose","X-HTTP-Method":"MERGE","If-Match":"*"};
        var headertype = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? UPDATE_Headers : CREATE_Headers;

            url: createIncidentUrl,
            type: 'POST',
            processData: false,
            contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
            headers: headertype,
            data: JSON.stringify(IncidentManager.collectFieldValues()),
            success: function (data) {

“If Match”:data.d._metadata.etag
- A PUT request is used to update an entire entity. If no values are specified for fields in the entity, the fields will be set to default values.

- A MERGE request is used to update only those field values that have changed. Any fields that are not specified by the operation will remain set to their current value.
var IncidentManager = {
    // Returns the url of the application server of a demo web app.
    basePath: function () { return '../../../../_vti_bin/listData.svc'; },

    // Creates an object with the properties retrievd from the input fields 
    // of the "ProductDetails" form.
    collectFieldValues: function () {
        return {
            Description: $('#Description').val(),
            Incident: $('#Incident').val(),
            ÉtatValue: $('#état').val(),
            PrioritéValue: $('#Priorité').val(),
            Duré: $('#Duré').val(),
            Date_de_début:  $('#DateDeDébut').val(),
            Date_de_fin:  $('#DateDeFin').val(),
            Autres_Groupe_Support_Prime: $('#Autres_Groupe_Support_Prime').val(),
            ResponsableValue: $('#Prime').val(),
            Impact: $('#Impact').val(),
            Temps_Consacré: $('#Temps_Consacré').val(),
            Type_de_tempsValue: $('#Type_de_temps').val(),
            Journal_des_actions: $('#Journal_des_actions').val(),
            Dépanage: $('#Dépannage_effectué').val(),
            Suivi: $('#Suivi').val(),
            Ressources: $('#Ressources').val()
    // Saves a incident. If there is no value in the #Incident_ID hidden field then
    // a new incident is created by "POST" request. Otherwise an existing incident
    // is updated with "PUT" request.
    saveIncident: function (data) {

        var New_Incident_URL = this.basePath() + '/GDI_PROD_Incidents';
        var UPDATE_Incident_URL = this.basePath() + '/GDI_PROD_Incidents('+ encodeURIComponent($('#Incident_ID').val())+')';
        var createIncidentUrl = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? UPDATE_Incident_URL : New_Incident_URL;

        var CREATE_Headers = {"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"};
        var UPDATE_Headers = {"accept" : "application/json;odata=verbose","X-HTTP-Method":"MERGE","If-Match":"*"};
        var headertype = $('#Incident_ID').val() != '' ? UPDATE_Headers : CREATE_Headers;

            url: createIncidentUrl,
            type: 'POST',
            processData: false,
            contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
            headers: headertype,
            data: JSON.stringify(IncidentManager.collectFieldValues()),
            success: function (data) {