
如何从不同位置(AppleScript或JavaScript)自动下载多个PDF文件,javascript,applescript,Javascript,Applescript,我每周要分析大约30个促销商店文件夹。如今,我知道在哪里可以找到文件夹HTML,但我仍然必须重写每个位置手册中的URL,我想让它自动化 我只能使用AppleScript,或者可能是JavaScript(在我的MobileMe主机上,没有PHP) URL中有一些变量: http://store.website.com/[store]/[region]/[date]NL/[store]_[region]_[date]NL.pdf 我希望它能像这样工作: 要我告诉你的消息或对话 a。门店:[填写门店





  • 要我告诉你的消息或对话


  • 下载文件并保存在我的机器上的

  • 我是一个精通AppleScript和JavaScript的新手,但我不会使用PHP/SQL,所以我希望有人能帮助我展示一些其他方向。






    property storeRegionRecord : {{store:"store1", region:"region1", website:"http://store1.website.com/"}, {store:"store2", region:"region2", website:"http://store2.website.com/"}, {store:"store3", region:"region3", website:"http://store3.website.com/"}, {store:"store4", region:"region4", website:"http://store4.website.com/"}}
    property aDate : ""
    property listDelimiter : "*"
    set downloadFolder to path to desktop as text
    -- get the store/region/website to download. You can choose more than 1.
    set chooseList to chooseListForStoreRegionRecord(storeRegionRecord)
    choose from list chooseList with title "PDF Downloads" with prompt "Choose one or more..." default items (item 1 of chooseList) OK button name "Select" cancel button name "Quit" with multiple selections allowed
    tell result
        if it is false then error number -128 -- cancel
        set selectedItems to items
    end tell
    -- enter the date
    display dialog "Date?" default answer aDate
    set aDate to the text returned of the result
    -- download the files
    set text item delimiters to listDelimiter
    repeat with aSelection in selectedItems
        set theVariables to text items of aSelection
        set theStore to item 1 of theVariables
        set theRegion to item 2 of theVariables
        set theWeb to item 3 of theVariables
        if theWeb does not end with "/" then set theWeb to theWeb & "/"
        set link to theWeb & theStore & "/" & theRegion & "/" & aDate & "NL/" & theStore & "_" & theRegion & "_" & aDate & "NL.pdf"
        set destination to downloadFolder & theStore & "_" & theRegion & "_" & aDate & "NL.pdf"
        tell application "URL Access Scripting" to download link to file destination replacing yes
    end repeat
    set text item delimiters to ""
    -- tell me that it's finished
    display dialog "The PDF files were downloaded to:" & return & (downloadFolder as text) buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon note
    (*============= SUBROUTINES ===============*)
    on chooseListForStoreRegionRecord(storeRegionRecord)
        set chooseList to {}
        repeat with aRecord in storeRegionRecord
            set end of chooseList to store of aRecord & listDelimiter & region of aRecord & listDelimiter & website of aRecord
        end repeat
        return chooseList
    end chooseListForStoreRegionRecord
    property storeRegionRecord : {{store:"store1", region:"region1", website:"http://store1.website.com/"}, {store:"store2", region:"region2", website:"http://store2.website.com/"}, {store:"store3", region:"region3", website:"http://store3.website.com/"}, {store:"store4", region:"region4", website:"http://store4.website.com/"}}
    property aDate : ""
    property listDelimiter : "*"
    set downloadFolder to path to desktop as text
    -- get the store/region/website to download. You can choose more than 1.
    set chooseList to chooseListForStoreRegionRecord(storeRegionRecord)
    choose from list chooseList with title "PDF Downloads" with prompt "Choose one or more..." default items (item 1 of chooseList) OK button name "Select" cancel button name "Quit" with multiple selections allowed
    tell result
        if it is false then error number -128 -- cancel
        set selectedItems to items
    end tell
    -- enter the date
    display dialog "Date?" default answer aDate
    set aDate to the text returned of the result
    -- download the files
    set text item delimiters to listDelimiter
    repeat with aSelection in selectedItems
        set theVariables to text items of aSelection
        set theStore to item 1 of theVariables
        set theRegion to item 2 of theVariables
        set theWeb to item 3 of theVariables
        if theWeb does not end with "/" then set theWeb to theWeb & "/"
        set link to theWeb & theStore & "/" & theRegion & "/" & aDate & "NL/" & theStore & "_" & theRegion & "_" & aDate & "NL.pdf"
        set destination to downloadFolder & theStore & "_" & theRegion & "_" & aDate & "NL.pdf"
        tell application "URL Access Scripting" to download link to file destination replacing yes
    end repeat
    set text item delimiters to ""
    -- tell me that it's finished
    display dialog "The PDF files were downloaded to:" & return & (downloadFolder as text) buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon note
    (*============= SUBROUTINES ===============*)
    on chooseListForStoreRegionRecord(storeRegionRecord)
        set chooseList to {}
        repeat with aRecord in storeRegionRecord
            set end of chooseList to store of aRecord & listDelimiter & region of aRecord & listDelimiter & website of aRecord
        end repeat
        return chooseList
    end chooseListForStoreRegionRecord