如何在我的项目中使用javascript if else url重定向

如何在我的项目中使用javascript if else url重定向,javascript,Javascript,我正在为我的javascript项目创建一个比萨店3页的模拟站点。当信息不存在时,我试图使它保持在同一页上。我的submit按钮中有一个由onClick事件触发的函数,如果单选按钮未选中,它会发出警报,并设置cookie并将其传递到下一页,但我希望它保持在同一页上,以便用户可以填写信息,然后提交订单。我尝试了location.reload方法以及url重定向。我们没有在课堂上复习这些内容,所以我完全可能写/用错了。此外,我不知道这是否必须托管这些工作,因为它仍然只是我桌面上的一个文件。 有人能举

我正在为我的javascript项目创建一个比萨店3页的模拟站点。当信息不存在时,我试图使它保持在同一页上。我的submit按钮中有一个由onClick事件触发的函数,如果单选按钮未选中,它会发出警报,并设置cookie并将其传递到下一页,但我希望它保持在同一页上,以便用户可以填写信息,然后提交订单。我尝试了location.reload方法以及url重定向。我们没有在课堂上复习这些内容,所以我完全可能写/用错了。此外,我不知道这是否必须托管这些工作,因为它仍然只是我桌面上的一个文件。 有人能举个例子说明我是如何做到这一点的吗?我把我的代码放在下面:

<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

    <title>Pizza Parlor</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="pizzaParlor.css" />

    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="pizzaParlor.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var message = "";


        // Here are 2 ways you could setup the javascript to handle this.
        // Lets setup our order in an Array
         * index - Description of what it holds.
         * 0 - Size of Pizza
         * 1 - Crust type
         * 2 - Type of pizza
         * 3 - Array of toppings.
        var order = new Array(" "," "," ");
        var sale = new Array(0,0,0);
        var total = 0;
        var tax = 0;
        var grandtotal = 0;

        //Another way would be to create an order object.

        /* -----------------------------------------------------
         * name:        isSpecialty()
         * purpose:     Checks Pizza Type.
         * author:      Eric Collins
         * date:        03/03/2014
         * parameters:  none
        function isSpecialty(){
        if(jquery("input:radio[name=custom]:checked").val() ==       "Hawiian"){
                order[3] = false;
                return true;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=custom]:checked").val() == "Veggie") {
                order[3] = false;
                return true;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=custom]:checked").val() == "MeatLovers") {
                order[3] = false;
                return true;
            } else {
                // Is Custom
                order[3] = true;
                return false;
            } // end if else
        } // end function isSpecialty()

        /* -----------------------------------------------------
         * name:        addSize()
         * purpose:     Checks Pizza Type.
         * author:      Eric Collins
         * date:        03/03/2014
         * parameters:  none
        function addSize(){
            if($("input:radio[name=size]:checked").val() == "12"){
                order[0] = "12 inch pie";
            } else if($("input:radio[name=size]:checked").val() == "16"){
                order[0] = "16 inch pie";
            } else if($("input:radio[name=size]:checked").val() == "20"){
                order[0] = "20 inch pie";
            } // end if else

            if($("input:radio[name=size]:checked").val() == "12"){
                sale[0] = 10;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=size]:checked").val() == "16"){
                sale[0] = 12;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=size]:checked").val() == "20"){
                sale[0] = 14;
            } // end if else

        } // end function addSize()

        /* -----------------------------------------------------
         * name:        addCrust()
         * purpose:     Checks Pizza Type.
         * author:      Eric Collins
         * date:        03/03/2014
         * parameters:  none
        function addCrust(){
            if($("input:radio[name=crust]:checked").val() == "Hand-Tossed"){
                order[1] = "Hand-Tossed";
            } else if($("input:radio[name=crust]:checked").val() == "Deep Dish"){
                order[1] = "Deep Dish";
            }  // end if else

            if($("input:radio[name=crust]:checked").val() == "Hand-Tossed"){
                sale[1] = 1;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=crust]:checked").val() == "Deep Dish"){
                sale[1] = 2;
            }  // end if else

        } // end function addCrust()

        /* -----------------------------------------------------
         * name:        addType()
         * purpose:     Adds Pizza Type: Specialty(Hawiian, Veggie, Meat Lovers) or Custom.
         * author:      Eric Collins
         * date:        03/03/2014
         * parameters:  none
        function addType(){
            if($("input:radio[name=custom]:checked").val() == "Hawiian"){

                // put your code here for disabling the topping checkboxes of custom.
                // Maybe call a function which disables those Elements of the form.
                order[2] = "Hawiian";
                sale[2] = 1;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=custom]:checked").val() == "Veggie"){

                // put your code here for disabling the topping checkboxes of custom.
                // Maybe call a function which disables those Elements of the form.
                order[2] = "Veggie";
                sale[2] = 1;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=custom]:checked").val() == "MeatLovers"){

                // put your code here for disabling the topping checkboxes of custom.
                // Maybe call a function which disables those Elements of the form.
                order[2] = "Meat Lovers";
                sale[2] = 2;
            } else if($("input:radio[name=custom]:checked").val() == "BuildYourOwn"){

                // put your code here for enable the topping checkboxes of custom.
                // Maybe call a function which enables those Elements of the form.
                order[2] = "Build Your Own";
                sale[2] = 0;
                if ($("input:checkbox[id=top01]:checked").val() == "Pineapple"){
                  sale[2] = sale[2]+.50;
                if ($("input:checkbox[id=top02]:checked").val() == "Chicken"){
                  sale[2] = sale[2]+.50;
                if ($("input:checkbox[id=top03]:checked").val() == "Canadian Bacon"){
                  sale[2] = sale[2]+.50;
                if ($("input:checkbox[id=top04]:checked").val() == "Sausage"){
                  sale[2] = sale[2]+.50;
                if ($("input:checkbox[id=top05]:checked").val() == "Pepperoni"){
                  sale[2] = sale[2]+.50;
                if ($("input:checkbox[id=top06]:checked").val() == "Tomatoes"){
                  sale[2] = sale[2]+.50;
            }// end if else

        } // end function addCrust()

        function disableTop(){
            // JavaScript
            document.getElementById('top01').disabled = true;
            document.getElementById('top02').disabled = true;
            document.getElementById('top03').disabled = true;

            //$('#top01').attr("disabled", true);               
            //$('#top02').attr("disabled", true);
            //$('#top03').attr("disabled", true);

            // jQuery
            $('#top04').attr("disabled", true);
            $('#top05').attr("disabled", true);
            $('#top06').attr("disabled", true);

        } // end function disableTop()

        function enableTop(){
            $('#top01').attr("disabled", false);
            $('#top02').attr("disabled", false);
            $('#top03').attr("disabled", false);
            $('#top04').attr("disabled", false);
            $('#top05').attr("disabled", false);
            $('#top06').attr("disabled", false);

        } // end function enableTop()

        /* -----------------------------------------------------
         * name:        updateDisplay()
         * purpose:     Updates the shopping cart with any changes in order.
         * author:      Eric Collins
         * date:        03/03/2014
         * parameters:  none
        function updateDisplay(){
            //alert("updateDisplay was called");
            total = 0;
            for(var i = 0; i < order.length; i++){
                $('#messages').append(order[i] + " $" + sale[i] + "<br />");
                total = total + sale[i];                    
            } // end for loop
            tax = total*.09;
            grandtotal = total + tax;
            $('#messages').append("Subtotal $" + total + "<br /><br />");
            $('#messages').append("Tax $" + tax + "<br /><br />");
            $('#messages').append("Total $" + grandtotal + "<br /><br />");
        } // end function updateDisplay()

        /* -----------------------------------------------------
         * name:        clearDisplay()
         * purpose:     Clears the shopping cart display.
         * author:      Eric Collins
         * date:        03/03/2014
         * parameters:  none
        function clearDisplay(){

            for(var i = 0; i < order.length; i ++){
                order[i] = " ";
                sale[i] = " ";
            } // end for loop

        } // end function clearDisplay()

        //validate radio function(check to see if this is ness, if page one has a form, otherwise you will have to do this different.)
        function validateRadio(){
            if (document.shopcart.size[0].checked) return true;
            if (document.shopcart.size[1].checked) return true;
            if (document.shopcart.size[2].checked) return true;
            if (document.shopcart.crust[0].checked) return true;
            if (document.shopcart.crust[1].checked) return true;
            //if (document.shopcart.custom[0].checked) return true;
            //if (document.shopcart.custom[1].checked) return true;
            return false;


        /* -----------------------------------------------------
         * name:        yumCookies()
         * purpose:     Places form data in cookies.
         * author:      Eric Collins
         * date:        03/12/2014
         * parameters:  none
        function yumCookies(){
            var pizzaSize = order[0];
            var pizzaCrust = order[1];
            var pizzaType = order[2];

            if (validateRadio() == false)
                alert("Please make your pizza choice selections and try again");    

            alert("Fill out your information and submit it to finish your pizza order");

            SetCookie("pizSZ", pizzaSize);
            SetCookie("pizzaCRST", pizzaCrust);
            SetCookie("pizzaTyp", pizzaType);
            SetCookie("saleSZ", sale[0]);
            SetCookie("saleCRST", sale[1]);
            SetCookie("saleTyp", sale[2]);


            if (validateRadio() == false)

            }; // end function yumCookies()

    <div id="wrapper" class="wrapper">          
        <div id="header" class="header">
            <img src="images/pizzaParlorLogo.png" alt="LogoImage" height="100" width="150" style="float: left;" />

            <h1>Josh's Pizza Parlor</h1>

            <span style="text-align: right;">(425) 555-1212</span><br />
            <span style="text-align: right;">555 5th Ave</span><br />
            <span style="text-align: right;">Everett, WA  98203</span>              
        <!-- horizontal menu -->
        <div id="horizontalMenu" style="text-align: center; font-size: 10px;">
            <a href="index.html">Home</a>
            <a href="custInfo.html">Customer Info</a>
            <a href="summary.html">Order Summary</a>
        <!-- horizontal menu -->
        <br />
        <div id="content" class="main">
            <div id="center" class="yourOrder">

                <h2>Create your Order</h2>
                <hr />
                <form name="shopcart" action="custInfo.html" method="post">
                    <span style="color: white;">Select your pizza size:</span>
                    <input type="radio" name="size" value="12" class="pieSize" onclick="addSize()" /> 12"
                    <input type="radio" name="size" value="16" class="pieSize" onclick="addSize()" /> 16"
                    <input type="radio" name="size" value="20" class="pieSize" onclick="addSize()" /> 20"
                    <hr />
                    <span style="color: white;">Select your crust type:</span>
                    <input type="radio" name="crust" value="Hand-Tossed" onclick="addCrust()" /> Hand-tossed
                    <input type="radio" name="crust" value="Deep Dish" onclick="addCrust()" /> Deep dish
                    <hr />
                    <span  style="color: white;">Build your own:</span>
                    <input type="radio" name="custom" value="BuildYourOwn" onclick="addType()" /> Custom<br />
                    <br />
                    <table id="tbltop">
                                <td><input type="checkbox" id="top01" name="topping" value="Pineapple" onclick="addType()"/> Pineapple</td>
                                <td><input type="checkbox" id="top02" name="topping" value="Chicken" onclick="addType()"/> Chicken</td>
                                <td><input type="checkbox" id="top03" name="topping" value="Canadian Bacon" onclick="addType()"/> Canadian Bacon</td>
                                <td><input type="checkbox" id="top04" name="topping" value="Sausage" onclick="addType()"/> Sausage</td>
                                <td><input type="checkbox" id="top05" name="topping" value="Pepperoni" onclick="addType()"/> Pepperoni</td>
                                <td><input type="checkbox" id="top06" name="topping" value="Tomatoes" onclick="addType()"/> Tomatoes</td>
                    <br />
                                <td colspan="2" style="color: white;">
                                    Or Select from one of our speciality pizza
                                <td><input type="radio" name="custom" value="Hawiian" onclick="addType()" /> Hawiian</td>
                                <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td><input type="radio" name="custom" value="Veggie" onclick="addType()" /> Veggie</td>
                                <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td><input type="radio" name="custom" value="MeatLovers" onclick="addType()" /> Meat Lovers</td>
                    <br /><br />
                            <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" onclick="yumCookies()" /></td>
                            <td><input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset" onclick="clearDisplay()" /></td>                             

            <div id="rightSidebar" class="shoppingCart">                    
                <h2>Shopping Cart</h2>
                <div id="messages"> </div>

选择您的比萨饼尺寸: 12" 16" 20"
选择您的外壳类型: 手掷 深碟
建立自己的: 自定义

菠萝 鸡 加拿大熏肉 香肠 意大利 辣味 香肠 西红柿
或者从我们的特色比萨中选择一种 哈维安 素食者 肉食爱好者



<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" onclick="return yumCookies(event)" />

function yumCookies(event){
    var pizzaSize = order[0];
    var pizzaCrust = order[1];
    var pizzaType = order[2];
    if (validateRadio() == false){
        alert("Please make your pizza choice selections and try again");    
        return false;