Javascript 添加新对象时循环和条件?

Javascript 添加新对象时循环和条件?,javascript,Javascript,我尝试这样做: posts[fbposts[fbpost].id] = ({ name: fbposts[fbpost], link: "" + fbposts[fbpost], img: "" + fbposts[fbpost] + "/picture", message: fbposts[fbpost].mes


posts[fbposts[fbpost].id] = ({
    name: fbposts[fbpost],
    link: "" + fbposts[fbpost],
    img: "" + fbposts[fbpost] + "/picture",
    message: fbposts[fbpost].message,
    to: ({
        name: name,
        link: link,
    created: timeDifference(Date.parse((fbposts[fbpost].updated_time))),
    sortvar: (Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost].updated_time)),
    comments: ({
        /* looping through the comments*/
        if (fbposts[fbpost].comments.count) {
            for (var comment in fbposts[fbpost] {
                name: fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                link: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                img: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment]; + "/picture";
                message: fbposts[fbpost][comment].message;
                created: timeDifference(Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost][comment].created_time));



posts[fbposts[fbpost].id] = ({
    name: fbposts[fbpost],
    link: "" + fbposts[fbpost],
    img: "" + fbposts[fbpost] + "/picture",
    message: fbposts[fbpost].message,
    to: ({
        name: name,
        link: link,
    created: timeDifference(Date.parse((fbposts[fbpost].updated_time))),
    sortvar: (Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost].updated_time)),
    comments: ({
        /* looping through the comments*/
        if (fbposts[fbpost].comments.count) {
            for (var comment in fbposts[fbpost] {
                name: fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                link: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                img: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment]; + "/picture";
                message: fbposts[fbpost][comment].message;
                created: timeDifference(Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost][comment].created_time));
comments: (/* return value from your function */)


posts[fbposts[fbpost].id] = ({
    name: fbposts[fbpost],
    link: "" + fbposts[fbpost],
    img: "" + fbposts[fbpost] + "/picture",
    message: fbposts[fbpost].message,
    to: ({
        name: name,
        link: link,
    created: timeDifference(Date.parse((fbposts[fbpost].updated_time))),
    sortvar: (Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost].updated_time)),
    comments: ({
        /* looping through the comments*/
        if (fbposts[fbpost].comments.count) {
            for (var comment in fbposts[fbpost] {
                name: fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                link: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                img: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment]; + "/picture";
                message: fbposts[fbpost][comment].message;
                created: timeDifference(Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost][comment].created_time));
comments: function() { ... looping code ...; return data}(),

posts[fbposts[fbpost].id] = ({
    name: fbposts[fbpost],
    link: "" + fbposts[fbpost],
    img: "" + fbposts[fbpost] + "/picture",
    message: fbposts[fbpost].message,
    to: ({
        name: name,
        link: link,
    created: timeDifference(Date.parse((fbposts[fbpost].updated_time))),
    sortvar: (Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost].updated_time)),
    comments: ({
        /* looping through the comments*/
        if (fbposts[fbpost].comments.count) {
            for (var comment in fbposts[fbpost] {
                name: fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                link: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                img: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment]; + "/picture";
                message: fbposts[fbpost][comment].message;
                created: timeDifference(Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost][comment].created_time));
var x = {
    ten: 10, 
    thirty: function(){var a = 10; a += 20; return a}(), 
    fifty: 25+25};

posts[fbposts[fbpost].id] = ({
    name: fbposts[fbpost],
    link: "" + fbposts[fbpost],
    img: "" + fbposts[fbpost] + "/picture",
    message: fbposts[fbpost].message,
    to: ({
        name: name,
        link: link,
    created: timeDifference(Date.parse((fbposts[fbpost].updated_time))),
    sortvar: (Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost].updated_time)),
    comments: ({
        /* looping through the comments*/
        if (fbposts[fbpost].comments.count) {
            for (var comment in fbposts[fbpost] {
                name: fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                link: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment];
                img: "" + fbposts[fbpost][comment]; + "/picture";
                message: fbposts[fbpost][comment].message;
                created: timeDifference(Date.parse(fbposts[fbpost][comment].created_time));
ten: 10
thirty: 30
fifty: 50