
Html2canvas:如何使用javascript和php发送带有ataching截图(pdf)的邮件,javascript,php,angularjs,Javascript,Php,Angularjs,我想发送我的pdf格式的电子邮件,但需要帮助。 在我的html页面中有哪些语音呼叫功能goPDF的链接 这是我在sreenshot(pdf)上生成的函数 你应该指定问题,现在很模糊我不在我的电脑上保存pdf,我想将此pdf存档到我发送的邮件中。我有用于发送引导模式的html表单,但不存档pdf。 $scope.goPDF = function (id, type) { ID->id on my info for pdf. TYPE->This is text

我想发送我的pdf格式的电子邮件,但需要帮助。 在我的html页面中有哪些语音呼叫功能goPDF的链接


    $scope.goPDF = function (id, type) {
    ID->id on my info for pdf.
    TYPE->This is text on pdf = automoto.pdf
                       $ = "#/invoice/" + id;
            //Here get url to info for my pdf.        
            var invoicePDF = document.getElementById ('iFrame').contentWindow.document.getElementById ('sendPDF');
            //Here get all content for my pdf.     
        //Here make convert from html to canvas and finish canvas to pdf.    
                            $ ("#sendPDF").css ('background', '#fff');
                            html2canvas ($ (invoicePDF), {
                                onrendered: function (canvas) {
                                var pdf = new jsPDF ();
                                var marginLeft = 0;
                                var marginRight = 0;
                                pdf.addImage (canvas.toDataURL ("image/jpeg"), "jpeg", marginLeft, marginRight);
                                // (type + '.pdf');
            //Here save pdf in my PC
                                var outputt = pdf.output ();
            //I do not where url on my pdf for ataching to mail.                       