Javascript 谷歌地图API圆相交检测

Javascript 谷歌地图API圆相交检测,javascript,google-maps-api-3,Javascript,Google Maps Api 3,我试图弄明白,当两个谷歌地图圆圈(围绕标记)相交或相撞时,是否有可能检测到 我想做的是,如果两个圆圈相交,我想提出一个事件。但我不确定这是否可行 计算圆心之间的距离,如果它小于两个圆的半径之和,则它们相交。下面是一些JavaScript,可以检测两个圆是否相交 var e = Math; // shortcut for the mathematical function var D2R = e.PI/180.0; // value used for converting d





 var e = Math;         // shortcut for the mathematical function 
 var D2R = e.PI/180.0; // value used for converting degrees to radians

 Number.prototype.toRadians = function() {
   return this * D2R;

 function distance(lat0,lng0,lat1,lng1){

   // convert degrees to radians
   var rlat0 = lat0.toRadians();
   var rlng0 = lng0.toRadians();
   var rlat1 = lat1.toRadians();
   var rlng1 = lng1.toRadians();

   // calculate the differences for both latitude and longitude (the deltas)
   var Δlat=(rlat1-rlat0);
   var Δlng=(rlng1-rlng0);

   // calculate the great use haversine formula to calculate great-circle distance between two points
   var a = e.pow(e.sin(Δlat/2),2) + e.pow(e.sin(Δlng/2),2)*e.cos(rlat0)*e.cos(rlat1);
   var c = 2*e.asin(e.sqrt(a));
   var d = c * 6378137;  // multiply by the radius of the great-circle (average radius of the earth in meters)

   return d;

  function hasIntersections(circle0,circle1){
    var center0 = circle0.getCenter();
    var center1 = circle1.getCenter();

    var maxDist = circle0.getRadius()+circle1.getRadius();
    var actualDist = distance(,center0.lng(),,center1.lng());

    return maxDist>=actualDist;

    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
      center: {lat: 41.081301, lng: -98.214219},
      zoom: 25

    var c0 = new google.maps.Circle({
        strokeOpacity: .1,
        strokeWeight: 1,
        fillColor: '#0000FF',
        fillOpacity: .2,
        map: map,
        center: {lat:41.082953, lng:  -98.215285},
        radius: 200

    var c1 =new google.maps.Circle({
        strokeOpacity: .1,
        strokeWeight: 1,
        fillColor: '#FF0000',
        fillOpacity: .2,
        map: map,
        center: {lat:41.081070, lng: -98.214027},
        radius: 34.692866520