
将单行JavaScript注释(//)与re匹配,javascript,python,regex,replace,Javascript,Python,Regex,Replace,我想使用python的re模块从(大部分有效的)JavaScript中过滤掉(大部分是一行)注释。例如: // this is a comment var x = 2 // and this is a comment too var url = "http://www.google.com/" // and "this" too url += 'but // this is not a comment' // however this one is url += 'this "is not a


// this is a comment
var x = 2 // and this is a comment too
var url = "http://www.google.com/" // and "this" too
url += 'but // this is not a comment' // however this one is
url += 'this "is not a comment' + " and ' neither is this " // only this


foo = 'http://stackoverflow.com/' // these // are // comments // too //
bar = 'http://no.comments.com/'

foo = 'http://stackoverflow.com/' // these // are // comments // too //
bar = 'http://no.comments.com/'



import re

rx = re.compile(r'.*(//(.*))$')

lines = ["// this is a comment", 
    "var x = 2 // and this is a comment too",
    """var url = "http://www.google.com/" // and "this" too""",
    """url += 'but // this is not a comment' // however this one is""",
    """url += 'this "is not a comment' + " and ' neither is this " // only this""",]

for line in lines: 
    print rx.match(line).groups()


('// this is a comment', ' this is a comment')
('// and this is a comment too', ' and this is a comment too')
('// and "this" too', ' and "this" too')
('// however this one is', ' however this one is')
('// only this', ' only this')


我的正则表达式功能有点过时了,所以我用你的问题刷新了我的记忆。 它变成了一个相当大的正则表达式,主要是因为我还想过滤多行注释

import re

reexpr = r"""
    (                           # Capture code
        "(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"       # String literal
        '(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'       # String literal
        (?:[^/\n"']|/[^/*\n"'])+ # Any code besides newlines or string literals
        \n                      # Newline
    (/\*  (?:[^*]|\*[^/])*   \*/)        # Multi-line comment
    (?://(.*)$)                 # Comment
rx = re.compile(reexpr, re.VERBOSE + re.MULTILINE)
这个正则表达式与三个不同的子组匹配。一个用于代码,两个用于注释内容。 下面是一个如何提取这些信息的示例

code = r"""// this is a comment
var x = 2 * 4 // and this is a comment too
var url = "http://www.google.com/" // and "this" too
url += 'but // this is not a comment' // however this one is
url += 'this "is not a comment' + " and ' neither is this " // only this

bar = 'http://no.comments.com/' // these // are // comments
bar = 'text // string \' no // more //\\' // comments
bar = 'http://no.comments.com/'
bar = /var/ // comment

/* comment 1 */
bar = open() /* comment 2 */
bar = open() /* comment 2b */// another comment
bar = open( /* comment 3 */ file) // another comment 

parts = rx.findall(code)
print '*' * 80, '\nCode:\n\n', '\n'.join([x[0] for x in parts if x[0].strip()])
print '*' * 80, '\nMulti line comments:\n\n', '\n'.join([x[1] for x in parts if x[1].strip()])
print '*' * 80, '\nOne line comments:\n\n', '\n'.join([x[2] for x in parts if x[2].strip()])

var url=”http://www“